随访3个月后对IVP(静脉肾盂造影)患者进行评估,显示肾盂结构和排尿正常; Fig. 3 Post-op x-ray image of the KUB. Go to: Discussion PCNL 手术的目标是经皮清除肾结石和输尿管结石。在大多数大型或复杂结石病例中,PCNL 已取代开放性肾手术。在 1970 年代引入 PCNL 之后,已经进行了大量研究以改进该技术并减...
There was complete stone clearance in all the cases with a mean collection of 14.5 cc was seen on the post op ultrasound. Conclusions: The present cases were reported to highlight that in a select group of patients tubeless PCNL under regional block is technically feasible and viable option. ...
随访3个月后对IVP(静脉肾盂造影)患者进行评估,显示肾盂结构和排尿正常; Fig. 3 Post-op x-ray image of the KUB. Go to: Discussion PCNL 手术的目标是经皮清除肾结石和输尿管结石。在大多数大型或复杂结石病例中,PCNL 已取代开放性肾手术。在 1970 年代引入 PCNL 之后,已经进行了大量研究以改进该技术并减...