【英文全称】: Prime Contract Number 【中文解释】: 主要合同编号 【缩写分类】: 其他 【缩写简介】: PCN 相关英文缩写以上为Prime Contract Number英文缩略词PCN的中文解释及分类。PCN英文缩写英文缩写英文全称中文意思 PCN Pitcairn Islands (ISO Country code) 皮特凯恩群岛(ISO国家代码) PCN Process Change Notice...
Manage Procurement Contract Rule & Monitor 批准人 L4 Manage Procurement Contract Template/Terms 流程Owner 终端采购认证部部长 适用范围 终端定制件专家团,终端SQM 对应的流程/规范/操作指导 文件名称 文件编码 1.文件附件 2.文件拟制/修订记录 版本 拟制/修订责任人 拟制/修订日期 修订内容及理由 批准人 V01.00...
Contract constraint If the supplier fails to inform the SQA Department of PCN in time or makes PCN effective without formal confirmation from the SQA department, the impact and loss caused will be punished according to the following terms and relevant provisions of XXXX. 7.1 If the supplier ...
Draft Release:The contract of the metro transmission customer is 02314AAJ. The model has reached EOM. Therefore, the EOM notice that can be viewed externally needs to be sent to the customer for server change application and review. 2024-11-05 Rev: B Official Release:The contract of the met...
1、文件名称物料pcn协议(终端定制件)_终端v02. 00版本v02. 00生效日期2012-08-10文件编码proc/govern/contract/template t224 d流程架构l1procurement拟制人l2govern operations审核人l3manage procurement contract rule & monitor批准人l4manage procurement contract template/terms流程owner终端采购认证部部长适用范围终端...
Draft Release:The contract of the metro transmission customer is 02314AAJ. The model has reached EOM. Therefore, the EOM notice that can be viewed externally needs to be sent to the customer for server change application and review. 2024-11-05 Rev: B Official Release:The contract of the met...
PCN Prime Contract Number PCN Proposal Control Number PCN Philadelphia Construction News PCN Pulse Compensation Network PCN Procedures Change Notice PCN Porsche Club of Netherlands PCN Production Change Number PCN Payment Clearing Network PCN PaidClicks Network PCN Provisioning Control Number PCN Process Cycl...
PCN培训材料研发版 2009年8月 内部公开 www.huawei.com HUAWEITECHNOLOGIESCO.,LTD.内容 •PCN简介•PCN影响•PCN触发•PCN决策•PCN发布和沟通 什么是PCN PCN 产品变更通知ProductChangeNotice 规划阶段的变更(PCN-P)在研阶段的变更(PCN-D)维护阶段的变更(PCN-M)路标、需求承诺、在研或在维版本 路标...
7. 附件【华为产品变更通知/产品停产通知标准】 买方(盖章) : 【买方全称】 授权代表姓名(以楷书书写) : 签署: 供方(盖章) : 【供方名称】 授权代表姓名(以楷书书写) : 签署: 文件编码:Proc/Govern/Contract_T123 V02.00 2016-5-11 记录的保存期限:永久 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第1页, 共2页 物料 ...
I remind you that our feature list included in our customer contract. 内容 PCN简介 PCN影响 PCN触发 PCN决策 PCN发布和沟通 PCN触发原则 基于客户视角,变更在客户界面能够感知到是触发PCN的前提 需要触发PCN决策的变更 影响需求承诺的变更:如开发过程中发现无法满足承诺的时间要求 影响路标的变更:如开发过程中...