AcronymDefinition APCMAssemblée Permanente des Chambres de Métiers(France) APCMAssociation des Professionnels de la Communication et du Marketing(French: Association of Professionals in Communication and Marketing; Canada) APCMAnalog Pcm APCMAdaptive Pcm ...
AcronymDefinition ESPCM Electronic Speech Systems Pulse Code Modulation Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved. Suggest new definitionWant to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
The name codec is an acronym from ''COder'' for the analog–to–digital converter (ADC) used to digitize voice, and ''DECoder'' for the digital–to–analog converter (DAC) used for reconstruct- ing voice. A codec is a single device that does both the ADC and DAC conversions. To ...
By convention, the prefixtsf_is used for the C++ version of the field.tsfis an acronym for type-safe field. Includecustomfld.hin your application. Use the custom field with thePinFlistclass: flist->set(tsf_CUSTOM_FLD_AGE, 22);
CPM/PCM.A definition of the acronym "CPM/PCM" is presented.EBSCO_bspICSC Dictionary of Shopping Center Terms
Throughout this document, the acronym EVM and the phrase evaluation module are synonymous with the PCM4204EVM. This user's guide includes setup and configuration instructions, information regarding absolute operating conditions for power supplies and input/output connections, an electrical schematic, PCB...
MATLAB is in English MATrix LABoratory (Matrix Laboratory) acronym. It is the United States, MathWorks has introduced a set of computing and graphics processing for scientific visualization, high-performance language and software environment. Its signal processing toolbox contains a variety of classic ...
EUCPCMEuropean Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Copyright, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
The name codec is an acronym from ''COder'' for the analog–to–digital converter (ADC) used to digitize voice, and ''DECoder'' for the digital–to–analog converter (DAC) used for reconstruct- ing voice. A codec is a single device that does both the ADC and DAC conversions. To ...
Throughout this document, the acronym EVM and the phrase evaluation module are synonymous with the PCM4222EVM. Contents 1 Introduction ... 3 2 Hardware Configuration... 6 3 Hardware Reference...