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我们将pcl_test设为启动项目,然后生成解决方案,如果可以出现下面的画面,就代表我们的PCL安装成功! 报错汇总 主要遇到了两个错误: 宏定义无效报错 找不到 xxx.dll 报错 宏定义无效报错 报错信息: 这是因为我们在CMakeLists.txt中,将PCL的版本设置为了 1.12 解决办法: 在PCL安装目录下,找到下面的文件: E:\Environ...
Test #1 Browse files main (#1) Ad-closeNN committed Oct 7, 2024 Verified 1 parent 9e84ed8 commit e876452 Showing 2 changed files with 95 additions and 0 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified .github/workflows sync-origin-img.yml sync.py ...
Test Region 100km Cable Type Single Core or Three Cores Certification CE, RoHS, Ce, RoHS Customized Customized Color Orange Sampling Frequency 200MHz Gain Range 0-70dB Low Voltage Impulse Voltage 32V Max.Resolution 0.4m Locating Range 100km Dead...
There is a configuration file "config/config.yaml", where one can edit both the training and test options. Training After setting the configuration, to start training, simply run python train.py Test Once the training is completed, there will be a saved model in the "model_path" specified...
following measures: PTSD checklist-civilian version (PCL-C), the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (... RJ Rona,H Burdett,S Bull,... - 《Bmc Psychiatry》 被引量: 1发表: 2016年 PTSD, burnout and well-being among rescue workers: Seeking...
The PCL shows good temporal stability, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, sensitivity, specificity and convergent validity. The PCL correlates positively with the Mississippi PTSD Scale and MMPI-2 Keane PTSD Scale. A cutoff score of 50 has demonstrated good sensitivity (.78 to .82) and...
size () << " data points to test_pcd.pcd." << std::endl; for (const auto& point: cloud) std::cerr << " " << point.x << " " << point.y << " " << point.z << std::endl; return (0); } 再在source文件夹下新建CMakeLists.txt 文件: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ...
CMakeLists.txt 中. PCL 中是有test的模块的所以在主cmakelists.txt中是有这句话的 ### ---[ Set up for tests enable_testing() ADD_TEST 指令的语法是: ADD_TEST(testname Exename arg1 arg2 ...) testname 是自定义的 test 名称,Exename 可以是构建的目标文件也可以是外部脚本等等。后面连接传递...