京瓷6025打印机能够正常打印,不过取消打印任务后,还会出现pcl xl error信息 I/:InputReadError OperatorSubsystem:BeginImage Position;O Error pcl xl error:一般都是在打印网页和使用软件中的打印功能时出现。方法:1、首先,打开”设备和打印机“,
pcl xl error:一般都是在打印网页和使用软件中的打印功能时出现。方法:1、首先,打开”设备和打印机“,在有问题的那台打印机上右键,选择“打印首选项”。2、进入“纸张/质量”的选项卡,尝试修改右方的“打印质量“,点击黑箭头下拉选择其他可选择的选项,试试能否打印。3、如果不行,可以尝试修改...
Compart's MFFPCL filter is a formatting tool to support PCL during both the input and output processes. Compart provides two different MFF profiles for the configuration of the filters for these languages: MFFPCL and MFFPXL. One special feature is that Compart filters can also convert PCL docum...
Setup.Set("Cache" & Data.Input.Token & "Pass", Data.Input.Password) McLaunchLog("刷新登录成功(Refresh, " & Data.Input.Token & ")") End Sub Public Class AuthErrorResponse Public Property [error] As String Public Property errorMessage As String End Class Private Function ParseErrorResponse(...
(sender As Object, e As MouseButtonEventArgs) Handles PanTitle.MouseLeftButtonDown, PanMsg.MouseLeftButtonDown On Error Resume Next If sender.IsMouseDirectlyOver Then DragMove() End Sub '改变大小 ''' <summary> ''' 是否可以向注册表储存尺寸改变信息。以此避免初始化时误...