This is the first OBC-based two-way shape memory blends processes without external load under thermal and vapor stimuli. The deformation temperature of 80 °C was selected far away between the respective melting temperatures of PCL (56.5 °C) and OBC (110.3 °C) for the thermo-triggered two...
In an effort to reduce hazardous chemicals, a one-pot two-step process with active bases and inactive salts was developed for the synthesis of high molar mass PEO-block-PCL-block-P(l- ord,l-LA) amphiphilic triblock copolymers. A series of poly(-caprolactone) (PCL)/poly(l- ord,l-lactide...
The ¹H NMR triplet signals at the 4.1 and 2.3 ppm shifts in the spectra of the synthesized copolymer refer to the protons of two of the methylene units of the polycaprolactone segments. Signals at 3.6 ppm indicate the protons -CH2 of the polyethylene portion of the TPGS, while the...
PLC-γ1 contains two PH domains for protein-protein and protein-lipid interaction. PH1 is located within the 150 residues closest to the N-terminus, whereas PH2 is located near the center of the molecule; the two domains are separated by the SH2-SH2-SH3 domain (Gibson et al., 1994; ...
Two momentum- independent selections: 2σTPC with 3σTOF and 2σTPC only, are used for both K∗0 and φ. The estimated systematic uncer- tainties are 3% for K∗0 and 1.7% for φ. The uncertainty due to the global tracking efficiency, description of the detector material budget in ...
We show how harmony learning not only leads us to the EM algorithm for maximum likelihood (ML) learning and the corresponding extended KMEAN algorithms for Mahalanobis clustering with criteria for selecting the number of Gaussians or clusters, but also provides us two new regularization techniques ...
Pseudomonas putida strain PCL1445 produces two cyclic lipopeptides, putisolvin I and putisolvin II, which possess surface tension-reducing abilities and are able to inhibit biofilm formation and to break down existing biofilms of several Pseudomonas spp., including P. aeruginosa. Putisolvins are secre...
PointCloudLibrary/pclPublic Sponsor Notifications Fork4.6k Star9.4k Files master .ci .dev .github 2d apps benchmarks cmake common cuda doc examples common features filters geometry keypoints outofcore segmentation CMakeLists.txt example_cpc_segmentation.cpp ...
Jubilee 'O' Clips - Two Ear Clamps Jubilee Tools Jubilee Packs Point of Sale Tyre Care Tools Tyre Pressure Gauges Digital Tyre Pressure Gauges Tyre Tread Depth Gauges Tyre Tools Tyre Inflators Handheld Tyre Inflators Workshop Tyre Inflators ...
The strains used in the study are representative for two types of bacteria: Gram-positive (S. aureus) and Gram-negative (P. aeruginosa) which significantly differ in shape (cocci, rod) and cell wall thickness. As presented in Fig. 10A, the survival rate of both of the strains differed be...