haveoccurred.Weeklymanagementmeetingandmonthlyrelevant departmentshavereportedtheactualimplementationandimprovement trackingsituation. **Emc001-sz-b4(EnvironmentalSafetyManual)ofthecompany includes: Environmentalmanagementsystempolicy: Pollutionprevention,energysaving,consumptionreductionandwaste reduction;Abidebythelaw,...
Trading Staffs 交易人員 (A) In charge of the preparation of the strategy relating to all of the Company's financial products transactions; 負責整個公司金融商品交易之策略擬定; (B) The trading staffs shall, on a bi-weekly basis, prepare a table of calculation positions and compile market data ...
Example: For every employee payroll should be run, it may be bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Say it is monthly, then for an employee a payroll should be run for this month and it is run next month then. For-period start date is 01/9/2003 and end date is 30 and in-period end ...
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a "Full Text" option. The original article is trackable via the "...
Additionally, this algorithm was repeated for each weight recorded weekly during the degradation period, thus obtaining the polymer mass after degradation. In the meantime, the relative weight loss was obtained using the initial mass of the infiltrated polymer and compared to the masses of the ...
and formulate relevant policies implementsafetyandhealtheducationforemployeeseveryyear.Morethan 200employeesaretrainedeveryyear,andthetrainingtimeisnearly1000 hours/year.Inrecentyears,nolabordisputes(includingindustrialaccidents) haveoccurred.Weeklymanagementmeetingandmonthlyrelevant departmentshavereportedtheactualimplementa...
significant environmental and social impacts, they may terminate or (4) The Group holds weekly cross-departmental meetings, and major events are delivered through 29 Operational Situation Differences and Causes of Corporate Evaluation Items Yes No Summary Description Social Responsibility Codes with Listed...
andregularly implementsafetyandhealtheducationforemployeeseveryyear.Morethan 200employeesaretrainedeveryyear,andthetrainingtimeisnearly1000 hours/year.Inrecentyears,nolabordisputes(includingindustrialaccidents) haveoccurred.Weeklymanagementmeetingandmonthlyrelevant departmentshavereportedtheactualimplementationandimprovement ...
(2)Employees:Topicsincludelaborrelations,occupationalhealthandsafety;thepipelineincludesweekly meetings,monthlymeetingsandrelatedcoordinationforums. (3)Communityandlocalgroups:topicsincludeenvironment,regulations,etc.;thepipelineincludes mutualvisitsandconsultations,coordinationforums,etc. (4)Suppliers:Topicsincludemarket...