These results provide a method to convert abbreviated PCL scores to that of the full scale, which increases the utility of this abbreviated scale.doi:10.1007/s41347-020-00140-zZoe M. F. BrierMatthew PriceJournal of Technology in Behavioral Science...
The 20 item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale (0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = moderately, 3 = quite a bit and 4 = extremely) reflecting the severity of traumatic experience. The scores are summed to create a total severity score (range 0–80). ...
In the new generation of Hyper-scale data center, 100G and 400G optical transceiver modules will become the main transmission interface, and Jones Day has the opportunity to become a major global supplier. In the development of 5G optical transceiver module, the continuous trial production of 25...
Object recognition from local scale-invariant features ( Input Format A range imageRIof a scene. NARF is not only a descriptor but also a detector. You might want to run the interest point detector over the data set firs...
NotApplicable.Theratingscaleis anchoredbythefollowingexamples: 1Doesnotdescribethispersonatall 2Doesnotdescribethispersonmuch 3 Doesnotdescribethispersonvery well 4Describesthispersonsomewhat 5Describesthispersonwell 6Describesthispersonverywell 7Describesthispersonexactly N/ANotapplicable/Notobserved Self- Managem...
Using the PPI dataset, we show that the proposed method can quickly and effectively differentiate interactive protein pairs from large-scale data. The results of the experiment indicate that the proposed technique can complement experimental approaches for identifying PPI interactions. In this paper, we...
Both the Psychopathy Checklist–Revised (PCL-R) and the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV), respectively, are established instruments for assessment of psychopathy and development of psychopathic propensity. To reliably compare scores from both instruments, measurement invariance must be establis...
symptoms and scores across all infants. For at least 10 days after birth, an expert scored the newborns on a modified Finnegan scale every 4 hours. The results showed that high birth weight was often a predictor for high NAS scores, along with lower NAS scores for infants delivered by ...
PCL-5 scores correlated strongly with scores on HTQ-part4, HSCL-D and HSCL-A, supporting convergent validity. The diagnostic accuracy of the scale was excellent (AUC=0.934, p<.001). The optimal cutoff score of =23 optimized sensitivity (0.887) while maintaining adequate specificity (0.889). ...
One of these, the PCL-5 Extreme Symptom (PES) scale is derived by summing extreme responses on the PCL-5 (i.e., endorsed scores of 3 or 4). Preliminary findings support its effectiveness within a clinical sample. In the current study, we aimed to cross-validate the scale with a cross...