camdebug pcieinit 命令功能 PCIE初始化 命令格式 camdebug pcieinit 参数说明 无
camdebug pcieinit Function Initializes PCIE. Format camdebug pcieinit Parameters None Function Format Parameters 翻訳 コレクション ドキュメントのダウンロード 最終更新日:2019-11-25 ドキュメント番号:EDOC1100057235 閲覧数:1033844 ダウンロード:230 Average rating:0.0 Points ドキュメント Sh...
The specific code is in the phy-driver, the file phy-fsl-imx8m-pcie.c, and the function "imx8_pcie_phy_init()". If the return statements below return a value < 0, we will get the error "phy init failed". In the imx_5.4.70_2.3.0 kernel:...
imx8qxp , I want to use PCIE,but init fail,Please help to slove it.thank you.[ 2.088471] OF: PCI: host bridge /pcie@0x5f010000 ranges:[ 2.093633] OF: PCI: No bus range found for /pcie@0x5f010000, using [bus 00-ff][ 2.101031] OF: PCI: IO 0x7ff80000..0x7ff8ffff -> 0x000...
I'd like to get the PCIe Root complex init sequence running on PCIe0 and PCIe1 with the EVM_K2E under UBOOT. Procedure from § in SPRUGS6D is followed, bu the PLL_LOCK field remains '0'. Here below is the sequence typed in at Uboot promt: ...
camdebug pcieinit Function Initializes PCIE. Format camdebug pcieinit Parameters None Function Format Parameters Traducciones Colecciones Descargar documento Última actualización:2019-11-25 N.° del documento:EDOC1100057235 Vistas::1036785 Descargas:230 Average rating:0.0 Points Documentación Share ...
camdebug pcieinit Function Initializes PCIE. Format camdebug pcieinit Parameters None Function Format Parameters Traducciones Colecciones Descargar documento Última actualización:2019-11-25 N.° del documento:EDOC1100057235 Vistas::1041487 Descargas:230 Average rating:0.0 Points Documentación Share ...
Hello: imx8qxp , I want to use PCIE,but init fail,Please help to slove it.thank you. [ 2.088471] OF: PCI: host bridge /pcie@0x5f010000
camdebug pcieinit Function Initializes PCIE. Format camdebug pcieinit Parameters None Function Format Parameters Tradução Coleção Baixar Documentos Última atualização:2019-11-25 № do documento:EDOC1100057235 Visualizações:1035172 Downloads:230 Average rating:0.0 Points Documentaç...
camdebug pcieinit Function Initializes PCIE. Format camdebug pcieinit Parameters None Function Format Parameters Übersetzung Sammlung Dokument herunterladen Letzte Aktualisierung:2019-11-25 Dokumentennr.:EDOC1100057235 Aufrufe:1044679 Downloads:230 Average rating:0.0 Points Dokumentation Share ...