检索有关 PCI 设备在总线上的当前位置的信息,例如 PCI 段、总线、设备和函数号。 语法 C++复制 SRIOV_GET_DEVICE_LOCATION SriovGetDeviceLocation;voidSriovGetDeviceLocation( [in] PVOID Context, [in] USHORT VfIndex, [out] PUINT16 SegmentNumber, [out] PUINT8 BusNumber, [out] PUINT8 Func...
Function invoked to query the PCI description of the emulated device. This information is used when presenting the device to the guest partition. Syntax C++ typedefHRESULT(CALLBACK *HDV_PCI_DEVICE_GET_DETAILS)( _In_opt_void* DeviceContext, _Out_ PHDV_PCI_PNP_ID PnpId, _Out_ UINT32 Probed...
static int vfio_pci_get_devs(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *data) { struct vfio_devices *devs = data; struct pci_driver *pci_drv = ACCESS_ONCE(pdev->driver); if (pci_drv != &vfio_pci_driver) return -EBUSY; struct vfio_device *device; if (devs->cur_index == devs->max_index) ...
Hello. I need absolute address (from BAR) in my device. So, I need a BAR address. I can read this address from PCI config throw lmi bus, and
("PCI: PCIe: Disable PCIe port services during port initialization"), added a call to pci_disable_pcie_error_reporting() *after* the AER setup was completed for the PCIe device tree. Here a longer analysis about the current status of AER enabling / disabling upon bootup provided by Bjorn...
为PCI Express SR-IOV 虚拟函数提供供应商和设备 ID, (VF) 用于为 VF 生成更通用的即插即用 ID。 无法直接从 VF 的配置空间读取这些 ID。 语法 C++ SRIOV_GET_VENDOR_AND_DEVICE_IDS SriovGetVendorAndDeviceIds;voidSriovGetVendorAndDeviceIds( [in] PVOID Context, [in] USHORT VfInde...
The pci_plist_get (9F) interface is used to obtain the parameter list from the param handle obtained from either the pci_param_get (9F) call or the pci_param_get_ioctl...
在处理 RuntimeError: nvml_success == driverapi::get()->nvmlDeviceGetHandleByPciBusId(...) 这类错误时,通常涉及到NVIDIA的NVML(NVIDIA Management Library)API的使用问题。这个错误表明在尝试通过PCI总线ID获取NVIDIA设备句柄时发生了问题。下面是一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素: 确认错误信息的完整性和上下文...
PCI术中退微导管的几种方式:(二)指引导管内球囊锚定技术(Trapping法) -18- 19-09-19 泰尔茂 PCI术中退微导管的几种方式:(一)Nanto法【2.5ml注射器】 -17- 19-09-12 泰尔茂 4F Kiwami自制抓捕器的操作 -16- 19-09-05 泰尔茂 4F Kiwami导管抽吸血栓操作 ...
PPCI术 PPCI治疗 术中运用比伐卢定250mg静注。首先予以负荷量静脉推注,手术中以2.5mg/kg*h微泵持续泵注,手术后改为0.2mg/kg*h维持24h以上。 术后复查心电图 术后24小时复查心电图 术后48小时复查心电图 术后第5天 床边心脏彩超检查后临时起搏电极拔除,未出现异常情况,监测心率及查24小时动态心电图 ...