This is a 78 year-old male with an acute MI involving the proximal LAD. In the second image, the GuardWire occlusion balloon can be seen inflated just beyond the lesion. The last image shows the final result after stenting this lesion. Notice the excellent filling in the distal micro...
经桡动脉途径PCIPPT课件 TRI的优点 止血方便,患者不受卧床的限制,舒适;穿刺点相关并发症,特别是出血发生率较股动脉途径明显下降指引导管相对股动脉途径的偏小,造影剂剂量相对较少,造影剂肾 病的发生率可能较低;缩短住院时间,降低医疗费用等;1 .所使用的器械较股动脉偏小导管支撑力差...
Guiding change to EBU 3,5 6F, 2 Intermediate wire to LCX and OM2. 2x thrombosuction with Zeek, predilatation with Jive 2,0-15, and stenting with Coroflex Blue 2,5-25, Integrity 3,0-26. TIMI flow 3. Final angiography showed loss of distal LAD. Patient felt recurrent chest pain, ...
University,The Cardiovascular Diseases Hospital of Yunnan Province,Kunming Yunnan650051,China)[Abstract]Objective To discuss the optimum time of stenting in primary percutaneous coronary intervention for patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.Methods The selected90 patiens with ...
仍可能不会达到满意 的支架扩张 支架不能充分扩张,亚急性血栓发生率增加 内膜夹层、撕裂率增加 球囊破裂、血管破裂、心包填塞增加 Male ,57yrs Smoking 30yrs, Chest pain 3yrs, Rest ECG:V1-V3 lead ST segment depression0.1mv Cadiac Triponin T(-) Severe Calcification Baloon dilation Stenting 4 days ...
Stents were post dilated with 2.75 × 15 mm NC Mercury balloon (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) at 20 atm. TIMI III flow was achieved and there was no residual stenosis [Fig. 6]. The RCA in right anterior oblique (RAO) 30∗ cranial view for stenting revealed TIMI III flow in...
Coronaryarterydisease:Diffusediseasewithavariablemixofstable,vunerableandculpritplaques FusterV,etal.JACC,2005:46:937-954XijingHospital3 Epidemiology 由动脉粥样硬化导致,非退行性变检出率存在显著的性别差异(女:男=1:2)冠状动脉钙化计分随年龄增加呈增加趋势冠心病危险因素与冠状动脉钙化密切相关...
分叉保护技术病变pci导丝stenting 分叉病变PCI术中边支球囊保护技术应用哈医大四院心脏中心夏洪远李学奇简述•冠状动脉粥样硬化最易发生于分叉部位•分叉病变约占PCI的15-20%•常见的分叉病变有LM-LAD-LCX、LAD-D1、LCX-OM1、RCA-PDA•分叉病变PCI具有挑战性,是每位心脏介入医生必修的本领•分叉病变的难点在于...
iFR Scout 拉伸测量简介:从被动PCI转向指导PCI说明书
ProvisionalCrushStentinginLeftMainArteryduringPrimaryPCIinAMIPatientafterCPRHistory Female,53yrs. Chestpainfollowedbyunconsciousnessinashoppingcenternearourhospital3hrsago. NohistoryofHT,HL,DMorsmoking. CPRwithmechanicalventilationwasperformedinambulanceandemergencyroom ECG:STsegmentelevationinleadsofI,avlandV1-6. ...