该患者的体重指数为16.2 kg/m2,心电图显示V1–V3导联ST段抬高。 给予阿司匹林300 mg和替格瑞洛180 mg的负荷剂量后,进行了急诊冠状动脉造影,显示左冠状动脉前降支(LAD)的中部和远端完全阻塞,置入了两枚药物洗脱支架(DES)。急诊PCI术后,将替格...
2012年冠脉造影提示:左干支 (LM) 斑块,前降支 (LAD) 远段80%狭窄,左回旋支 (LCX) 中段80%狭窄,右冠脉 (RCA) 近段80%远段80%,于LCX中段置入BP-DES生物可降解涂层药物洗脱支架 Excel2.5*28 mm支架1枚,RCA置入Excel3.0*33 mm支架1枚。 ▎此次入院行造影: ▎行IVUS检查: LAD开口最窄面积2.7 mm2, LLC...
4、2 阿拉伯数字代表该病变具有 b 或 c 型特征的多少: “1” 具备其中任一个特征 “2” 具备 2 个或 2 个以上特征,冠脉病变分型,八十年代 pci 禁忌证,未被保护左主干病变 左主干有 50% 的狭窄,未经外科搭桥术 / 无侧枝循环逆行供血至 lad 和 lcx 者 严重弥漫性病变 狭窄程度 50% 的狭窄病变 不适合...
* This is a typical example of a protected acute MI intervention. This is a 78 year-old male with an acute MI involving the proximal LAD. In the second image, the GuardWire occlusion balloon can be seen inflated just beyond the lesion. The last image shows the final result after ...
The risk of PCI in small vessels, especially LAD, remains high independent of the type of DES. In contrast, DES2 as a modifiable variable during PCI of a large lesion might improve long-term prognosis.Progress in Artificial Intelligence
16、m2Prox ref vessel: 20.3mm2Aneurysm vessel: 35.80mm2Stent area: 7.63mm2DES后动脉瘤支架内膜脱垂02.57.5mm02.57.5mm支架植入前支架植入后支架内膜脱垂IVUS 与造影对左主干病变的判断CASS研究:对比临床中心与QC-Lab对LM狭窄程度评估的差别在对冠脉节段的狭窄程度进行评估时,LM病变经冠脉造影进行狭窄程度评估其...
[15]OrmazabalV,NairS,Elfeky O,etal.Associationbe- tweeninsulinresistanceandthedevelopmentofcardi- ovasculardisease[J].Cardiovasc Diabetol,2018,17 (1):122. [16]KatsikiN,KotsaK,Stoian AP,etal.Hypoglycaemia andcardiovasculardiseaseriskinpatientswithdiabe- tes[J].CurrPharm Des,2020,10.2174. [17]Gurka...
Coronaryarterydisease:Diffusediseasewithavariablemixofstable,vunerableandculpritplaques FusterV,etal.JACC,2005:46:937-954XijingHospital3 Epidemiology 由动脉粥样硬化导致,非退行性变检出率存在显著的性别差异(女:男=1:2)冠状动脉钙化计分随年龄增加呈增加趋势冠心病危险因素与冠状动脉钙化密切相关...
Female,76yrs Exertional chest pain 8yrs, recurrent 10days EF:40% RCA1:50%,RCA3:75% LAD6:75%,7段90 with severe calcification, 8:50%,9:50%; LCX13:100%,14:25%,15: 50% Case3: Rotational Atherectomy for Severe Calcification Cutting Balloon: 2.5*10 (16ATM, 20) Post dilate ...