黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。驱动程序ID PCI \ VEN_8086
黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。驱动程序ID PCI \ VEN_8086
黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。驱动程序ID PCI \ VEN_8086
黃色的感嘆號出現在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。黃色的感嘆號出現在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。驅動程序ID PCI \ VEN_8086
When I try to find my device in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) or Device Manager, it appears as a PCI Simple Communications Controller with a yellow bang or question mark. I would like to know if the PCI Simple Communication Controller corr
PCI Simple Communications ControllerPCI bus 0, device 22, function 0The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)Device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A&SUBSYS_844D1043&REV_04\3&11583659&0&B0 was configured.PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A&SUBSYS_844D1043&REV_0...
黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。黄色的感叹号出现在PCI Simple Communications Controller之前。驱动程序ID PCI \ VEN_8086
安装InteME 官网的Application_Intel_6.0.0.1179_W7x64_A 文件夹下的MEI_SOL_Installer_NO_IMSS 这个东东可以驱动
Symptom After reinstalling the operating system, there is a yellow exclamation mark before PCI Simple Communications controller or PCI Serial Port listed underOther devicesinDevice Manager. The information for the Driver ID may include: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A&SUBSYS_04AD1028&REV_04 ...
Describes reasons and solutions for errors on PCI Simple Communications Controller in Device Manager on Intel® NUC.