Fill out the form below to download the free trial of DEX 3. The free trial is fully functional with the exception of having to restart the software every 30 minutes. NOTE:If you already have an activated version of DEX 3 on your computer it will be overwritten and updated by installing ...
To unlock the free trial, click on“click here to buy/unlock the full version”in the center of the skin below the crossfader in the 4 deck skin or above deck A in the 2 deck skin. Then click “I already bought it”. Please copy your license code from the original purchase email yo...
IMPORTANT:the Windows version needs DirectX 10/11 compatible hardware (99% of Windows 7/8/8.1 machines should be OK). DOWNLOAD RED MOBILE 3 FREE TRIAL WATCH INTRODUCTION TO RED MOBILE 3 TUTORIAL VIDEO
To unlock the free trial, click on “click here to buy/unlock the full version” in the center of the skin below the crossfader. Then click “I already bought it”. Please copy your license code from the original purchase email you received when you purchased and select “paste” on the...
To unlock the free trial, click on“click here to buy/unlock the full version”in the center of the skin below the crossfader. Then click “I already bought it”. Please copy your license code from the original purchase email you received when you purchased and select “paste” on the ac...