Although the light chamber was placed on a small shaker (PSU-10i Orbital Shaker, BioSan, Riga, Letvia) to provide gentle movement of the cultures, this shaker broke down within the first 15 h of the experiment (we cannot tell at what exact cumulative dose) most likely because radiation-...
视频和鼠标 局域网 轻量目录访问协议 介质访问控制器 定义 6 ME/NM NCSI NFS NIC Nsupdate NTP PEF POST PSU RAID RADIUS SEL SMASH SMTP SNMP SOL SSH SSL TCP/IP TDM TMM TSIG USB VLAN 节点管理器 网络通讯服务接口 网络文件系统 网络接口控制器 直接动态 DNS 网络时间协议 平台事件过滤器 加电自检 ...
MAC Address(MAC 地址): V4 Network Mode(V4 网络模式): IPv4 Address(IPv4 地址): V6 Network Mode(V6 网络模式): IPv6 Address(IPv6 地址): Power Supply Information(电源信息) 显示所选电源信息.单击菜单选择 PSU1 或 PSU2. Vendor Name(供应商名称): Vendor ...