PCC-S-02014, Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following: [code]... Normal C++ files are getting compiled with out eny issues. This particular file is having functions written in C fashion. View 1 RepliesView Related Precompilers, OCI & OCCI :: C...
PCC-02014 Syntax error at line number, column number, file string: Cause: The precompiler detected an error in C or embedded SQL syntax. This message is followed by a more specific error message. Action: Correct the syntax error. PCC-02015 unable to open include file Cause: The precomp...
PCC-02014 Syntax error at line number, column number, file string: Cause: The precompiler detected an error in C or embedded SQL syntax. This message is followed by a more specific error message. Action: Correct the syntax error. PCC-02015 unable to open include file Cause: The precompiler...