后台程序编译过程报错PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle 偶然重新编译了一下后台程序,发现编译过程报错无法连接数据库。但通过sqlplus登录数据库是正常的。后台程序改动中也做了详细的分析,没有改动相关数据库的参数和配置。 最后通过浏览器查看了很多相关问题的解决办法,无疑间发现有人说修改一下数据库密码即...
后台程序编译过程报错PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle,偶然重新编译了一下后台程序,发现编译过程报错无法连接数据库。但通过sqlplus登录数
1,你可以用sqlplus username/password@sid 在服务器端测试下,验证当前密码是否有误;2,PL/SQL能连接并操作数据库,说明你本机和服务端的连接时没有问题的,问题很有可能出在你的make文件中;最好能把报错的ORA信息贴出来。
PCC-02104 Unable to connect to Oracle Cause: The precompiler could not connect to Oracle with the username, password, and, if applicable, database link that was supplied. Note that this is a precompiler message, not a runtime message. This means that the USERID option value, either on...
PCC-02104 Unable to connect to Oracle Cause: The precompiler could not connect to Oracle with the username, password, and, if applicable, database link that was supplied. Note that this is a precompiler message, not a runtime message. This means that the USERID option value, either on ...
PCC-02104: Unable to connect to Oracle Cause: The precompiler could not connect to Oracle with the username, password, and, if applicable, database link that was supplied. Note that this is a precompiler message, not a runtime message. This means that the USERID option value, either on...