PCB_DATASET.zip PCB_DATASET.zip (906.91M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time PCB_DATASET/Annotations/train.json 399129 2020-09-10 20:47:30 PCB_DATASET/Annotations/train_cpu.json 66762 2020-09-21 16:50:42 PCB_DATASET/Annotations/val.json 66762 2020-09-10 20:48:56 PCB_DATASET/Annotations/va...
PCB_DATASET 1 PCB瑕疵检测 V Victor杨小毛 2枚 CC0 目标检测计算机视觉 0 16 2024-06-19 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 PCB_DATASET.zip PCB_DATASET.zip (906.91M) 下载反馈建议功能升级啦! •预置高频标签帮你快速锁定问题 •在线交流、邮件、电话,随你选择...
Unlike conventional approaches that require pixel-by-pixel processing, our method firstly locate the defects and then classify them by neural networks, which shows superior performance on our dataset. PDF Paper record TABLE I: The figures for PCB and defect samples (listed in the brackets). ...
PCB-Resistor-datasetLo**情蛊 上传7.54 MB 文件格式 zip To evaluate the defect level of PCB SMD Resistor images, you can follow these steps: 1. Preprocessing: - Convert the images to a suitable format for analysis (e.g., grayscale). - Apply image enhancement techniques like denoising or ...
DeepPCB DeepPCB: a dataset contains 1,500 image pairs, each of which consists of a defect-free template image and an aligned tested image with annotations including positions of 6 most common types of PCB defects: open, short, mousebite, spur, pin hole and spurious copper. Dataset Descriptio...
Dataset Used Name: DeepPCB Source: https://www.kaggle.com/yidazhang07/bridge-cracks-image?select=DeepPCB Configuring YOLO We need three configuration files and pretrained convolutional weights (darknet53) to start our training process: custom.data: This file contains information of resource, input...
In this context, the authors have developed a new open source dataset (SolDef_AI) to implement an innovative methodology for printed circuit board (PCB) defect detection exploiting the Mask R-CNN algorithm. The presented open source dataset aims to overcome the challenges associated with the ...
We present a public dataset with the aim to facilitate research on computer-vision-based Printed Circuit Board (PCB) analysis, with a focus on recycling-related applications. The dataset contains 748 images of PCBs from a recycling facility, captured under representative conditions using a professiona...
A novel group pyramid pooling module is proposed to efficiently extract features of a large range of resolutions, which are merged by group to predict PCB defect of corresponding scales. To train the deep model, a dataset is established, namely DeepPCB, which contains 1,500 image pairs with ...
机译:PCB-METAL:用于高级计算机视觉机器学习组件分析的PCB图像数据集 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 We introduce PCB-METAL, a printed circuit board (PCB) high resolution image dataset that can be utilized for comp...