If you’re not a fan of Draftsman or you prefer to do everything in one window, you can still draw out the panel fabrication drawing in the PCB Editor. To do this, you can apply your drawing blocks, panel fab notes, stackup drawing, etc. in mechanical layer and toggle these to be ...
Number of coins per unit may be up to 32 pcs, but this also depends on the the coin sizes, PCB size and customer panel. Please ask NCAB before you start design. Design guide Connections V5 is done by laser milling and copper filling. Preferred maximum size of the opening to be fill...
1、原理图:shematic diagram2、逻辑图:logic diagram3、印制线路布设:printed wire layout4、布设总图:master drawing5、可制造性设计:design-for-manufacturability6、计算机辅助设计:computer-aided design.(CAD)7、计算机辅助制造:computer-aided manufacturing.(CAM)8、计算机集成制造:computer integrat manufacturing....
13、组装设计自动化:assembly aided architectural design. (AAAD) 14、计算机辅助制图:computer aided drawing 15、计算机控制显示:computer controlled display .(CCD) 16、布局:placement 17、布线:routing 18、布图设计:layout 19、重布:rerouting 20、模拟:simulation 21、逻辑模拟:logic simulation 22、电路模拟:c...
cut to size panel39、酚醛纸质覆铜箔板:phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminates(phenolic/paper CCL)40、环氧纸质覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper copper-clad laminates (epoxy/paper CCL)41、环氧玻璃布基覆铜箔板:epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates42、环氧玻璃布纸复合覆铜箔板:epoxide ...
7、Break-away panel 可断开板 指许多面积较小的电路板,为了在下游装配线上的插件、放件、焊接等作业的方便起见,在 PCB 制程中,特将之并合在一个大板上,以进行各种加工。完工时再以跳刀方式,在各独立小板之间进行局部切外形(Routing)断开,但却保留足够强度的数枚“连片”(Tie Bar 或Break-away Tab),且在连...
拼版图:panel drawing 钻孔表:drill chart 公差:tolerance 原稿:original gerber 工作稿:working gerber 参数:parameter 按照:follow 参考:refer to 建议:suggestion 确认:confirm 尖角:burr/sharp 周期:date code 调整:adjust 更改:modify,modification 菲林:film 网络:net-list/network 开路:open 短路:short 计算:calc...
Panel plating 整板电镀 FQA(Final quality audit) 最终品质保证 Outer dry film 外层干膜 Packing 包装 Etching 蚀刻 IPQA(In-process quality audit) 流程QA Tin stripping 退锡 IPQC(In-process quality control) 流程QC EQC(QC after etching) 蚀检QC IQC(Incoming quality control) 来料检查 ...
cut to size panel39、酚醛纸质覆铜箔板:phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminates(phenolic/paper CCL)40、环氧纸质覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper copper-clad laminates (epoxy/paper CCL)41、环氧玻璃布基覆铜箔板:epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates42、环氧玻璃布纸复合覆铜箔板:epoxide ...