38 bTest Test and adjustment inf., bottom side 39 tKeepout Restricted areas for components, top side 40 bKeepout Restricted areas for components, bottom s. 41 tRestrict Restricted areas for copper, top side 42 bRestrict Restricted areas for copper, bottom side 43vRestrict Restricted areas for...
PCB (Print circuit Board): 印刷电路板 Footprint:封装 IC( integrated circuits): 集成电路 SMC (Surface Mounted Components): 表面组装元件 SMD ( Surface Mounted Devices): 表面组装器件 BGA(ball grid array): 球栅网格阵列封装 DIP(dual in-line package): 双列直插式封装 常规器件命名及封装尺寸说明 常...
20 Dimension Board outlines (circles for holes) *)板子外形,相当于机械层 21 tPlace Silk screen, top side丝印层 22 bPlace Silk screen, bottom side丝印层 23 tOrigins Origins, top side (generated autom.)元件中间有个十字叉,代表元件位置 24 bOrigins Origins, bottom side (generated autom.) 25 t...
19 Unrouted Airlines (rubber bands) 20 Dimension Board outlines (circles for holes) *)板子外形,相当于机械层 21 tPlace Silk screen, top side丝印层 22 bPlace Silk screen, bottom side丝印层 23 tOrigins Origins, top side (generated autom.)元件中间有个十字叉,代表元件位置 24 bOrigins Origins, ...
20 Dimension Board outlines (circles for holes) *)板子外形,相当于机械层 21 tPlace Silk screen, top side丝印层 22 bPlace Silk screen, bottom side丝印层 23 tOrigins Origins, top side (generated autom.)元件中间有个十字叉,代表元件位置
图6-5 设置“Custom Board outline”对话框图6-6 设置“Corner Cutoff”对话框6)单击“Next”按钮,进入选择板卡中间开口尺寸对话框,如图6-7所示。如果不在板卡内部设置开孔,可以不选择“Inner Cutoff”复选框,此处可以将内部开孔尺寸设置为默认值。7)单击“Next”按钮,进入设置板卡产品信息设置对话框,如图6-8...
components procurement approach, which has been created to integrate into our PCB Assembly Process to make sure your project is assembled with the greatest efficiency. We manage the total coordination of components and BOM items, and oversee the purchasing process. With Bittele as your business ...
1. 工具印制板的结构尺寸画出板边(Board Outline)。2. 将元器件分散(Disperse Components),元器件会...
1、Altium Designer PCB 常用功能键方格与格点的切换:View-Grids-Toggle Visible Grid Kind源点:Edit-Origin-Set边界的定义:Keep Out Layer-Utility Tools-Place Line 按TAB可定义线宽选取元件:PCB-PCB Filter-IS Component逐个放置元件:TOOLS-Component Placement-Reposition Selected Components自动布局:ToolS-Component ...