¨ Create Report:该项有效,把补泪滴操作数据存成一份.Rep报表文件。 l Action选项区域:单击Add单选按钮,将进行补泪滴操作;单击Remove单选按钮,将进行删除泪滴操作。 l Teardrops Style选项区域:单击Arc 单选按钮,将用圆弧导线进行补泪滴操作;单击Track 单选按钮,将用直线导线进行补泪滴操作。 步骤3:因为仅对一个元件...
在电路板设计中,为了让焊盘更坚固,防止机械制板时焊盘与导线之间断开,常在焊盘和导线之间用铜膜布置一个过渡区,形状像泪滴,故常称做补泪滴( Teardrops )。泪滴的放置可以执行主菜单命令 Tools/Teardrops…(T+D) ,将弹出如【图18】 所示的Teardrop ptions (泪滴)设置对话框。 【图18】 泪滴设置对话框 接下来,...
Advanced Tools for Seamless PCB Design and Management Allegro X Design Platform helps bring your innovative and bleeding-edge designs to life. The constraint-driven environment provides instantaneous visual feedback and ensures the functionality and manufacturability of your PCBs while allowing you to keep...
Advanced Tools for Seamless PCB Design and Management Allegro X Design Platform helps bring your innovative and bleeding-edge designs to life. The constraint-driven environment provides instantaneous visual feedback and ensures the functionality and manufacturability of your PCBs while allowing you to keep...
PCB Power was founded in 1996 as CSIL, with a vision to provide PCB services of global scale and quality, to the needs of innovators across the electronics industry. The organizational fuel of excellence driven action has empowered our year on year growth, on the back of diligent, transparent...
If an action cannot be performed for an object (e.g., a text string cannot be moved due to the limitation of Max Distance), a message for this object will appear in the Messages panel. An example of the silkscreen preparation tool performance is shown below. ❯ ❮ Creating a ...
Action 选项区域各基的设置如下: ·Add 单选项:表示是泪滴的添加操作。 ·Remove 单选项:表示是泪滴的删除操作。 ③ teardrop Style 选项区域设置 Teardrop Style 选项区域各项的设置介绍如下: ·Arc 单选项:表示选择圆弧形补泪滴。 ·Track 单选项:表示选择用导线形做补泪滴。
software to create the ultimate mechanical fighting champion, the Mammoth. Learn from Mammoth Team captain Rickey Willems how his childhood dream became reality. Watch as the Mammoth dominates the ring on the most celebrated robot fighting show of all time—and see the mighty Mammoth in action!
Tools --->Teardrops (泪滴) General Action行为 Teardrop Style 泪滴类型 11.设置成 单层查看 鼠标放在底部的任意一个 层的面板,右键,Layer Set --->Single Layers,这样就可以观察单面板了! 12.Class类 Classes are provided to enable various commands tooperate on sub-sets of object types, e.g. agrou...
在电路板设计中,为了让焊盘更坚固,防止机械制板时焊盘与导线之间断开,常在焊盘和导线之间用铜膜布置一个过渡区,形状像泪滴,故常称做补泪滴( Teardrops )。泪滴的放置可以执行主菜单命令 Tools/Teardrops…(T+D) ,将弹出如【图18】 所示的Teardrop ptions (泪滴)设置对话框。 【图18】 泪滴设置对话框 接下来,...