(2.1 to 3.6 V) No need for a clock RISC processor core using Harvard architecture: 48 x 48 bit RAM Data 4k x 8 bit volatile program memory for high-speed operation (40 to 100 MHz) 4k x 8 bit non-volatile (OTP) program memory for normal speed operation (...
To build it just create a console App project in Visual C++ and put this code into your main program file and link wpcap.lib . Thanks Steve // WinPCapConsole.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #define REMOTE #define HAVE_U_INT32_T #in...
Registry 63 Program code Test byte 1984 1 Config. Registry 63 Program code 4032 Program Program code 4032 code 1984 6.3 存储器管理 DSP 可以在SRAM (高速度) 或者在OTP (低功耗)下工作. 当通过SRAM运行的时候, 一个 SRAM-to-OTP 数据完整监控器可以通过在寄存器0中的参数MEMCOMP开启, 但是当直接...
It is a small program, but it does quite a few things that makes analyzing easier, and might be of use to others. It does parse PCAP files, and, doing so: parses the TLS handshake, collects server name indications and associates them to IPs, parses HTTP requests, collects the Host ...
A few hours later, we havea programthat reuses code from PCAP, TLS parsing, DNS parsing, HTTP parsing libraries. It is a small program, but it does quite a few things that makes analyzing easier, and might be of use to others. It does parse PCAP files, and, doing so: ...