StandardfortheFinancialIndustry(theFinancedEmissionsStandard)waslaunched. Asanindustry-ledpartnership,PCAFisgovernedbyaSteeringCommitteeformedbyABN AMRO,AmalgamatedBank,ASNBank,theGlobalAllianceforBankingonValues,MorganStanley, NMBBank,TriodosBank,andarepresentativefromtheUnitedNations(UN)-convened Net-ZeroAssetOwner...
12月14日,碳核算金融联盟(PCAF)推出了《全球金融行业温室气体核算和报告标准》第二版(The 2nd version of the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Financial Industry)。相较于2020年发布的融资排放标准(Financed Emiss...
Part A—Financed Emissions The most updated standard calls for banks to apply GHG accounting to seven asset classes: listed equity and corporate bonds; business loans and unlisted equity; project finance; mortgages; commercial real estate; motor vehicle loans and sovereign debt. Measuring financed em...
It is a global alliance of lending organizations that have created an efficient way to analyze and communicate carbon emissions resulting from investments and loans. For example, when banks give money to fossil fuel companies, this creates financed emissions. This is a global initiative to clear th...
魏天歌碳核算金融联盟(PCAF)亚太地区负责人, 魏天歌女士是碳核算金融联盟(PCAF)亚太地区负责人,PCAF转型及绿色金融工作组负责人,同时也是Guidehouse的首席管理咨询顾问。Full Bio 李潇华夏理财ESG事业部高级经理, 10年银行资管从业经历,曾就职于华夏银行资产管理部负责理财投资相关工作...
Alison Vipondis a Climate Specialist in Lloyds Banking Group’s Centre of Excellence in Environmental Sustainability, which plays a pivotal role in driving sustainability ambition and practice. Her responsibilities span financed emissions, target setting and system strategy...
StepChange is at the forefront of enabling financial institutions in the Global South to navigate their sustainability and decarbonisation journeys through their Net Zero Navigator. Key offerings include the Financed Emissions Module, which quantifies the carbon footprint of...
As of now it is not a turnkey solution, but it allows financial institutions to start on their journey measuring and lowering financed emissions. Nicolette Bartlett, Global Director of Climate Change, CDPGovernance PCAF is a non-profit entity, led by the Board of Directors that monitors and ...
She emphasized the necessity for stronger regulatory frameworks to ensure financial institutions can meet their climate-related commitments, particularly in reducing financed emissions. Tonkonogy also touched on the challenges posed by Scope 3 emissions and called for a more unified approach across ...
By measuring emissions financed by their loans and investments, the PCAF MENA team takes the first step required to assess climate-related risks, set targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and develop effective strategies to decarbonize our society. As the group grows and gains experienc...