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215 to 250°C. The top-surface temperature of the packages should preferable be kept below 230°C. This text gives a very brief insight to a complex technology. A more in-depth account of soldering ICs can be found in our“Data Handbook IC26; Integrated Circuit Packages” ...
部件名PCA82C250 下载PCA82C250下载 文件大小94.46 Kbytes 页20 Pages 制造商PHILIPS [NXP Semiconductors] 网页http://www.nxp.com 标志 功能描述CANcontrollerinterface GENERAL DESCRIPTION The PCA82C250 is the interface between the CAN protocol controller and the physical bus. The device provides differential tran...
上传者:weixin_38512659时间:2020-08-18 PCA82C250_PCA82C250_zip_ PCA82C250 Integrated circuit datasheet 上传者:weixin_42666036时间:2021-10-01 PCA82C250应用指南中文资料..pdf PCA82C250应用指南中文资料..pdf 上传者:yiyeqiu1991时间:2021-12-25
PCA82C250 PDF资料和参数原理简介 品牌:Philips 封装形式 : DIP 引脚数量 : 8 温度范围 : 最小 -40 °C | 最大 125 °C 文件大小 : 113 KB 功能应用 : CAN controller interface PCA82C250 PDF资料下载
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PCA82C250 DatasheetIC型号: PCA82C250 PDF描述: CAN controller interface 文件大小: 94.46KB PDF页数: 20 Pages页 芯片厂家: PHILIPS [Philips Semiconductors] 阅览下载 纠错 0 扫码查看芯片数据手册 上传产品规格书 PCA82C250相关型号PDF文件下载 型号 版本 描述 厂商 下载 PCA869 英文版 Analog-to-Digital ...
PCA89C250All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.© NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.Product data sheetRev. 06 — 25 August 20118 of 18NXP SemiconductorsPCA82C250CAN controller interfaceV1 =1V. 数据表 search, datashe