Prior to hiring a nursing assistant, the facility must contact the Registry to verify that the person is active. Found in Nursing Home; Certified Boarding Care Home; Veterans Home (Not Assisted Living or other Senior Housing) Personal Care Assistant (“PCA”) Approximately 30,000 in...
Truesdale MD, Lee DJ, Cheetham PJ, Hruby GW, Turk AT, Badani KK (2010) Assessment of lymph node yield after pelvic lymph node dissection in men with prostate cancer: a comparison between robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and open radical prostatectomy in the modern era. J Endourol 24(7)...
A retrospective review of 223 patients managed with AS found that obese men were twice as likely to have disease progression on biopsy than non-obese men. There was a trend toward high-grade cancer in men in whom AS failed despite no difference in body mass index on the initial diagnostic ...
The biopsy specimens obtained after IRE whole-gland treatment showed no signs of any functional glandular tissue. There were occasionally parenchymal areas with the ghostly remains of glandular structures; however, there was no presence of living cells. Intact nerve bundles and living ganglion cells we...
At the age of 12, travelling through Michigan, John Brown, the most physical abolitionist known to date, finally found his importance in life by witnessing an enslaved African-American boy living life in servitude, being beaten on a day to day basis. Haunting him for his years to come, the...