Size: 1.12 GB Kagura Genesis: Kuon’s Story v1.0.0 + Unrated [GOG]
Regrettably, that’s not the case with the recent PC port ofSenran Kagura Reflexions, originally released on the Switch nine month ago. It’s far removed from themusou-style mechanics of the main series or even the girls’ exploration of the culinary arts. Instead, play centers around giving...
So, I have reviewed a few Senran Kagura games before, one standard game and one that was a strange offshoot featuring cooking and rhythm action. Needless to say, this is a strange series for multiple reasons. Now, I’m taking on the PC version of Estival Versus, about a year after it ...
Size: 1.17 GB TAMAKAGURA: Tales of Turmoil v1.0.0 + Unrated [GOG]
Dawn of Kagura 是一系列可重玩的 Roguelike 角色扮演遊戲! 概括 遠野舞香因封印了九尾狐妖而聞名全國。在又一天的女祭司學徒訓練中,她接到了一項令人震驚的艱鉅任務——平息龍神的憤怒,龍神的神殿被某個村莊的旅遊重建計劃摧毀了。在龍神憤怒的煽動下,各種妖怪也變得狂暴起來,村民們也無法逃脫隨之而來的混亂。為了...
《SENRAN KAGURA ESTIVAL VERSUS(闪乱神乐:少女们的选择)》PC数字游戏78元什么值得买甄选出STEAM优惠促销商品,包括报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars Platform:PC, previously on Switch, PlayStation 4 Developer:Tamsoft, Marvelous, Meteorise, Honey Parade Games Publisher:IFI International Release date:May 11th, 2022 Price:$49.99 via digital download, $39.99 launch price through May 18th ...
A propos de Dawn of Kagura: Maika's Story - The Dragon's Wrath À propos de ce game CARACTÉRISTIQUES Combat au tour par tour. Aventure roguelike ! Difficulté réglable pour le bon défi. Achetez, améliorez et rechargez les pouvoirs de votre youkai. ...
PCGAME-Kagura.Genesis.Kuons.Story-TENOKE.torrent 网盘分流
The latest example why is Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, which repeats the mistakes of past titles, albeit in the beach, instead of the dojo. After ogling at the PS4 version, Cubed3 goes bouncy-bouncy and splashy-splashy once more, this time on the PC. Those who are feeling kind ...