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Are you looking for Citrix Thin clients and Virtual Desktop Solutions. Chip PC thin clients are the most feature-rich thin clients in the market today.
Burdened with financial losses and declining prices, National Semiconductor will exit the PC chip business and lay off more than 500 people in the process. The announcement does not mean that National is getting out of the chip market altogether, as it will still make processors for so-called ...
南亚新材:针对倒装芯片技术Flip Chip载板开发的材料目前还在内部测试中 南亚新材7月14日在投资者互动平台表示,公司针对倒装芯片技术Flip Chip载板开发的材料目前还在内部测试中。
矽源特ChipSourceTek-ME6228 是一款采用 CMOS 工艺制作的低压差、低功耗线性稳压器,内置基准电路、误差放大器以及反馈电阻网络。 ME6228 输入电压最高达到 30V,输出电流最大 150mA。内部反馈电压可以设置固定输出电压,电压范围从1.5V到12V。矽源特ChipSourceTek-ME6228应用信息:输入输出电容的选择 陶瓷电容由于...
也就是说好几个chips组成的system,是不是system on chip呢?
This vision led designers to define the Eagle chip set, a pair of chips that enables system designers to build cache-based motherboards operating at clock speeds of up to 33 MHz. With the Eagle chip set, an entire 80386DX-based PC motherboard can be built with as few as 25 components....
银河微电:目前在先进封装领域主要运用到Flip Chip、Clip Bonding及多芯片集成封装技术 银河微电11月27日在互动平台表示,公司的封装工艺技术种类较多,目前在先进封装领域主要运用到Flip Chip、Clip Bonding及多芯片集成封装技术。