进入RetroArch官网:https://www.retroarch.com/ 进入官网后点击“Get RetroArch”,然后点击“Cross Platform”栏的“Download Stable”(稳定版),网站会根据浏览器提供的UA标识判断你的设备,发送对应的安装包。 二:PC-98运行必备文件 下图红框中是模拟PC-98的必备文件,其它的文件有没有对没有什么影响,不是必须。
【资源分享】下级生游..通过百度网盘分享的文件:下级生游戏音乐回...rar链接:网盘链接 提取码:1234复制这段内容打开「百度网盘APP 即可获取」解压密码:1234567其中PC-98、土星版本音乐为FLAC格式,Windows版音乐为mp3格式来源:https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-s
The other optional variables in theinfoobject are “authorsite”, “versionurl”, and “downloadurl”. “versionurl” is used internally by Pachy98 to check to see if the user is using the latest version of your patch. Pachy98 will check the first line of the file at that URL for a ...
First, download np2fmgen.7z. A recent version can be foundherewith no password. Or for the latest version, head over tothis link. You’ll want both the np2fmgen.7z as well as the fmdllset.7z a little further down the page. The first one is the main emulator itself, and the second...
[00001209] TRACE: SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII;F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'super'...
抛出一个错误...(from:2) 4004;[Dash] 0 downloadError - https://upos-sz-mirrorcos.bilivideo.com/upgcxcode/69/33/583483369/583483369-1-30216.m4s?e=ig8euxZM2rNcNbdlhoNvNC8BqJIzNbfqXBvEqxTEto8BTrNvN0GvT90W5JZMkX_YN0MvXg8gNEV4NC8xNEV4N03eN0B5tZlqNxTEto8BTrNvNeZVuJ10Kj_g2UB02J0mN...
If you own the Steam version of FF7, then download and use the Steam Patch. If you own an older copy of FF7, then use the 1998 patch instead. I recommend uninstalling and then re-installing the game first. There's a video tutorial you can follow on how to apply these patches here:...
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Download162 Pages Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商MICROCHIP [Microchip Technology] 网页http://www.microchip.com 标志 类似零件编号 - FDC37C669-MT 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 SMSC CorporationFDC37C669 621Kb/164PPC 98/99 COMPLIANT SUPER I/O FLOPPY DISK CONTROLLER WITH INFRARED SUPPORT ...
Forskolin promotes neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells via the PKA-CREB-dependent signaling pathway. Activation of PKA by forskolin phosphorylates CREB, which then binds to CRE sites in numerous gene promoters. However, it is unclear which gene contains the CRE sites responsible for forskolin-induc...