PCWorld helps you navigate the PC ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done.
PCWorld helps you navigate the PC ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done.
PC Magazine因为收购而步步高升,但是 Bunnell 和当时 45 位PC Magazine的员工并没有加入 Ziff Davis,而是被帕特里克·麦戈文邀请,来到了他名下的美国国际数据集团(IDG)。可惜的是麦戈文已经于 2014 年因病辞世。 在IDG 集团的支持下,Bunnell 等人先后创办了PC World、Macworld等影响了一代 PC 爱好者的杂志,还有 M...
近年来,《PC Magazine》、《Computer Shopper》、《Laptop》等知名计算机杂志纷纷跟进,停止了印刷版的发行。如今,《PC World》的这一决定,无疑标志着计算机杂志时代进入了一个新的篇章,纸质版的落幕揭示了科技媒体转型的必然趋势。
科技用户和厂商正逐渐转向线上媒体,这一转变正是顺应了读者的决策趋势。近年来,包括《PC Magazine》、《Computer Shopper》和《Laptop》在内的众多计算机杂志已相继告别印刷版,如今,《PC World》的这一举措无疑是计算机杂志发展历程中的一个重要里程碑,标志着这一传统媒体形式的终结。
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The Founding Fathers may never have considered digital independence, but you can. Technology’s marching toward smaller, non-upgradable devices and oodles of free cloud storage threatens to chain you to specific services or platforms. Fight back with our tips for going DIY on com...
PCWorld helps you navigate the PC ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done.
iPad Description PCWorld helps you navigate the computer ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done. PCWorld offers buying advice through opinionated reviews of new products, provides authoritative analysis of technology news and trends, and gives practical...
Tablet PC Magazine covers the Tablet PC platform as well as related tablet, media tablet and slate computer hardware, software and peripheral technologies.