If your gaming PC suddenly switches off while you are gaming, this can be due to a variety of reasons. We list the most common causes here and show you solutions for them. IDG Another component you should consider when random shutdowns occur during gaming is the graphics card. Because the...
my monitor suddenly turns off when im playing and my pc is still on.I have to hold down the power button on my pc for 5 seconds.Then it reboots and it happens again when im online for like an Hour or when i just turn on a game or any program.I would like someone to tell me ...
PCrestarts when playing games in Windows 10– It’s possible that the game won’t run properly on the graphics card installed on your PC. PCshuts down when playing games, not overheating– The power supply unit is almost always to blame when a computer suddenly turns off while a game is ...
PC keeps restarting while playing games: I've had this for a while now where my pc suddenly turns of as if the power was cut off which isn't the cause and then immediately just boots up again, there is no BSOD. It has only happened so far when playing games with high graphics. I...
Hi Guys, during gaming, my PC suddenly turns off. Behaviour is: suddenly the system switches off (no shutdown), after cutting power and waiting for about one minute I can switch it on again and everything is fine. First I thought of a temperature issue a
Hey folks, I'm hitting the weirdest issue I've ever encountered on my PC and I really don't know what to do here: Been playing D4 since launch day without any issues, then a couple nights back while running a dungeon my PC suddenly turned off and restart
Then it's off to battle once again, with some upgrades. Hades is paced so well you're always getting a new weapon or kind of boon just when you get stuck. You might suspect it's going easy on you, that the upgrades are carrying you rather than your own skills growing, but trying ...
Turns out the developer needn’t have worried, because a disaster shared is even more fun. The mutual blame when a deerclops stomps through your camp, ruining days worth of winter prep, is a strategy game in itself. In keeping with Klei’s attention to detail and balance across its games...
I have been having the same, black screen, pc turns off and restarts to find all drivers uninstalled. I noticed this when playing games and sometimes doing nothing. I have had a problem with a recent game called "The Finals" causing this issue to occur EVERYTIME when booting the game. ...
Do you have a laptop ? Could you check on your temperature ? If the PC turns of it's usually an overheating issue. Make sure you enable vsync in your options. - 11541712