SSD的英文全称叫Solid State Drive,中文直译就是固态硬盘。所谓的固态,其实是与机械硬盘相比较而得名,机械硬盘内部由磁盘片和磁头组件两大机械结构组成,数据读写时不仅盘片高速旋转,磁头也在频繁的摆动寻道;而固态硬盘则是在一块PCB板上集成了若干个半导体芯片,不存在任何机械部件,因此很多行业习惯称之为电子盘...
PC gamers have different needs. Whether it’s a boot drive to run your games or a secondary drive for mass storage and streaming, our solutions help PC gamers push their builds and upgrades to the next level. Solid State Drives (SSD) ...
OWC external SSDs (solid-state drives) designed and tested for Macs, and compatible with Thunderbolt, USB-C, eSATA, and FireWire.
相比之下,固态硬盘(Solid State Drive,简称SSD)则是用固态电子存储芯片阵列制成的硬盘。它由控制单元和存储单元(FLASH芯片、DRAM芯片)组成,不仅在接口规范、定义、功能及使用方法上与普通硬盘完全相同,而且在外形和尺寸上也与普通硬盘一致。固态硬盘的广泛应用领域包括军事、车载、工控、视频监控、网络监控、网络...
固态硬盘缩写是SSD。实际上这个缩写就是来自固态硬盘英文名字(Solid State Drive),为了方便,直接取英文名字的首字母(类似CPU=Central Processing Unit)。固态硬盘之所以叫作“固态”是因为其使用固态电子存储芯片阵列制成的硬盘。接口类型 固态硬盘的接口规范和定义、功能及使用方法上与普通硬盘大部分相同,目前固态...
Les quantités disponibles sont limitées. Pour une livraison rapide et sûre, HP recommande le paiement par carte de crédit ou PayPal, car la marchandise n’est attribuée définitivement qu’après réception du paiement. Les fonctionnalités ne sont pas toutes disponibl...
to its full potential. If you only have aSATA IIIport available, it’s capable of running a solid state drive, but it’s at a bit of a disadvantage to you. Running an SSD through a SATA III port actually creates a bottleneck effect and holds the drive back from its full performance....
2 SSD Solid State Drives Laptop PC Portable Hard Drive SATA 250GB 500GB 1tb 2tb External HDD Case Original Factory Related Categories HDD Enclosure Memory Card USB Products Encrypted Hard Disk Hard Disk Drive Enterprise Hard ...
The Samsung 990 EVO isn't the kind of PCIe 5.0 SSD many of us have been waiting for all these many years, especially considering that its actual performance would be fairly middle of the road were the 990 EVO a PCIe 4.0 drive like the 990 Pro. But despite being restrained to just two...
The Solidigm P44 Pro is the fastest PCIe 4.0 drive we have ever tested bar none. In fact, it finished within the top five fastest drives in our tests, and was only beaten by three next-gen PCIe 5.0 drives. Plus, it becomes even faster when you install the Solidigm Windows driver, wh...