单机100网为您推荐:远程控制app遥控器apppcremote pc remote安卓版是可以让你去远程控制电脑的,它可以被当做一个电脑的遥控器,当然还可以通过手机来玩一些电脑游戏的,里面有完美的串流功能,而且还支持多种语言的。 pc remote手机端介绍 可实现用手机进行操作,在电脑上进行运行画面。魔控monect电脑遥控器可广泛用于远程...
1. Installation: Download Monect PC Remote from App Store and the PC Remote Receiver from https://www.monect.com/ on your computer. 2. Connect Your Device: Choose from multiple connection options: - Local Wi-Fi (on the same network) ...
普通下载地址: itmop本地下载 包名:com.monect.portable MD5:32e03664f9ae786b96342d896a52fca8 魔控手机端pc remote v7.4.5 苹果去广告版 AppStore下载 包名:com.monect.portable MD5:32e03664f9ae786b96342d896a52fca8 有问题?不能下载?点此报错告诉我们...
1. Installation: Download Monect PC Remote from App Store and the PC Remote Receiver from https://www.monect.com/ on your computer. 2. Connect Your Device: Choose from multiple connection options: - Local Wi-Fi (on the same network) ...
1. Installation: Download Monect PC Remote from App Store and the PC Remote Receiver from https://www.monect.com/ on your computer. 2. Connect Your Device: Choose from multiple connection options: - Local Wi-Fi (on the same network) - Remote Wi-Fi (across different networks) - Share yo...
An all-in-one controller app With a wide range of capabilities, Monect PC Remote is asversatileas they come when compared to other controller apps. Whether you’re gaming, working, or just want to share your screen, Monect PC Remote can do it all fast and effectively. Turn your phone in...
魔控电脑遥控器电脑端是monect开发的电脑接收端软件,跟魔控电脑遥控器app配套使用,有了它之后,你就可以把手机当遥控器遥控电脑了,方便您打游戏、浏览网页、播放PPT等! 软件介绍 可以用手机通过wi-fi或者蓝牙来控制您的电脑pc客户端,可以将你手机上的游戏画面显示在电脑上,可实现用手机进行操作,在电脑上进行运行画面...
电脑遥控器app这个软件能够帮助用户快速将手机与电脑相连,并且通过电脑控制手机或者是手机控制电脑,让你进行工作上的无缝衔接与游戏上的更多畅爽体验,软件内还提供游戏的键位基本设置,你可以自由设置键位大小十分贴心的设计 pcremote手机版应用简介 该软件是一个免费的应用程序,可让您通过Wi-Fi或蓝牙在本地或远程控制PC...
Monect PC Remote, free and safe download. Monect PC Remote latest version: Turn your mobile device into your game controller. Monect PC Remote is a re
pc remote电脑端7.1.0 系统位数:64软件大小:50.1MB更新时间:2025-01-25 支持系统:WinAll软件语言:简体软件授权:免费软件 软件厂商: 立即下载普通下载,速度较慢安全下载安装金山毒霸 软件介绍 更新日志 为您推荐:杀毒 软件介绍 魔控电脑遥控器电脑端是monect开发的电脑接收端软件,跟魔控电脑遥控器app配套使用,有了它...