Sony Reader for PC, free download for Windows. Digital book reader application that enables users to read, manage and organize e-books on their PC.
Sony Reader for PC v1.1.05.13310 免费版 软件大小:40.31 MB 软件语言:中文 软件类型:国产软件 / 电子阅读 软件授权:免费软件 更新时间:2016-11-07 14:20:58 软件等级: 软件厂商:- 应用平台:WinAll, WinXP 软件官网:暂无 ITMOP本地下载推荐软件管家下载...
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For improved enterprise-class security, the new ThinkPad laptops offer multiple layers of security throughout the hardware, software, BIOS and options including encrypted hard drives with remote management support, a fingerprint reader with one touch swipe for power on and authenticatio...
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