代码 1importnumpy as np2fromPILimportImage3frompyzbarimportpyzbar4importtkinter as tk5importtkinter.ttk as ttk6importtkinter.filedialog as filebox789defreadqr(imgpath):10#读取文件,转成数组11im =np.array(Image.open(imgpath))12print(pyzbar.decode(im))13#返回的信息还是很多的14"""15[16Decoded(d...
Now, scan the QR code. The embedded information will be displayed immediately. If the code is on your smartphone, you can create a screenshot and send it to your computer in an email. Then, upload the file and read the QR code on your PC.Tip...
Also Read: How to create a QR Code for a video Method 3: Scan QR Code From Existing Photo Follow the steps below to scan the QR code saved on your computer: Step 1: Launch the Chrome browser. Step 2: Go to Google and press the Search by image button (the Google lens camera icon...
QR & Barcode Scanner can scan and read all QR codes / barcode types including text, url, ISBN, product, contact, calendar, email, location, Wi-Fi and many more formats. After scan and automatic decoding user is provided with only the relevant options for individual QR (qu r code) or Ba...
Here’s how to apply QRreader to QR codes you encounter in PC-based web browsers. Right-click on the code. The drop-down menu will open. Select “Read QR code from the image.” The extension will read the code and provide you with two options: ...
第一步,获取code。 调用接口:https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/qrconnect?appid=APPID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&response_type=code&scope=SCOPE&state=STATE#wechat_redirect; 接口中参数如下: 自己代码: @OverridepublicMap<String,String>weixinLoginUrl(){Stringurl="https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/...
第一步,获取code。 调用接口:https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/qrconnect?appid=APPID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&response_type=code&scope=SCOPE&state=STATE#wechat_redirect; 接口中参数如下: 自己代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 1@Override2publicMap<String,String>weixinLoginUrl(){3String url="https:/...
第一步,获取code。 调用接口:https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/qrconnect?appid=APPID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&response_type=code&scope=SCOPE&state=STATE#wechat_redirect; 接口中参数如下: 自己代码: 1@Override2publicMap<String, String>weixinLoginUrl() {3String url = "https://open.weixin.qq....
QR code reader just uses your phone's camera to scan and read QR codes/barcodes, then immediately displays results with multiple options for the next operation. *Support All QR & Barcode Formats* Automatically scan, read, and decodeall typesof QR codes/barcodes, including Wi-Fi, contacts...
readFileSync(file); return 'data:text/css;base64,'+new Buffer(bitmap).toString('base64'); } console.log(base64_encode('./qrcode.css')) Mac 电脑可以使用brew安装Node.js,命令如下 brew install node 运行node脚本node qrcode.js,复制打印出来的data-url,然后赋值给刚才的href。 稍作样式调整...