The most popular genres that have evolved on the platform are simulators, CRPG (Computer Role-Playing Game), RTS (Real-Time Strategy), and FPS (First-Person Shooter). Due to the powerful nature of PCs, they became the ideal platform for making simulations of various occupation. The earliest...
Best FPS games: Finest gunplayBest MMOs: Massive worldsBest RPGs: Grand adventures It's a genre known for its violence, yet that's not always the reason we're drawn to the FPS. We celebrate the immersive potential of the first-person camera, and how that point-of-view challenges our ...
Valorant is still early in its lifespan. But we've seen content updates and changes in its first year and it's been quite successful, so you can expect the game to get more support moving forward. If a competitive FPS with layered tactics, precise gunplay, and intense moments is your th...
Prime95 comes with a ‘Torture Test’ mode, specifically for testing PC subsystems for errors. You can configure the software to better test different components of your system by changing the size of the Fast Fourier transform. With the ‘Small’ mode configuration, you can test the CPU’s ...
STEP 5: (Optional) Do a Test Run Outside the Case Parts/tools: Motherboard with CPU and CPU cooler installed, RAM, GPU, PSU, screwdriver, motherboard user manual, PC monitor (attached to GPU) Now that you've installed the CPU and the CPU cooler, you may want to perform a quick ...
Best FPS games: Finest gunplayBest MMOs: Massive worldsBest RPGs: Grand adventures Release date: 2019 | Developer: Creative Assembly | Steam Total War: Three Kingdoms, the latest historical entry in the series, takes a few nods from Warhammer, which you'll find elsewhere in this list, ...
Having too high of an FPS can theoretically create problems such as stuttering or screen tearing if not paired properly with other hardware components such as monitors or GPUs. So, make sure all parts are balanced correctly before attempting to raise the cap. Additionally, using too high resoluti...
We then worked out a deal to have it replaced and upgraded and Jo was kind enough to lend me another Pc in the mean time whilst he ordered the specific parts for the new build. He also gave me some freebies (1tb HDD and anti virus software!) Jo was very helpful through the whole ...
Starting with the Ryzen 7 parts, and then moving through Ryzen 5, Ryzen 3, and finally Ryzen Threadripper, AMD has become a viable competitor in the CPU realm once more. My hopes for Ryzen were perhaps too high, but Ryzen 7 is still a very fast processor. The 8-core/16-thread ...
Do you want to spawn and attach a bunch of random objects? There’s a way to do that; Want to design your own FPS levels and face off with other players? Gmod has you covered. Essentially, if there’s a random activity, mini-game, or concept you’ve always wanted to try to create...