应该是搜索不到硬盘或系统丢失的引导项导致的。在bios重新把First Boot Device 设成HDD-O,即开机硬盘启动。 按F10,再按Y。不知道你是不是装双系统,原来pc的windows系统与mac os系统冲突,破坏了mac os的引导项,导致windows和mac os均不能进入。不过,我对mac os不太熟悉,个人建议,可以进入pe...
是什么系统,要是雪豹系统,你的雪豹系统盘里有bootcamp。安装win系统的时候,不要管他,在win光盘引导下,把你要安装win系统那个分区直接重新格式化成ntfs的。安装完成后,放入雪豹系统盘,找到bootcamp。安装。完成后可以使用双系统。 要是lion系统。在安装双系统的时候。一定要下载那个提示文件,里面有...
1、成功安装重启以后提示“no boot disk”或者“no bootable device”等。 大致意思是找不到启动盘或者设备,无法引导进入系统。 (1)据说是和默认的UEFI启动有关,BIOS中设置下UEFI的各种参数试试; (2)如果不能通过UEFI的设置解决此问题,那么可以试试MBR引导方式:在系统初始化安装的界面,同时按下“Shift + O”,...
1后对硬盘进行分区,可能是自己不怎么懂就把隐藏分区也格式化了,重启之后就只提示no bootable device-...
既然是偶尔能进,说明引导是好的,因此修复引导没必要,开机出现no bootable device,说明主板根本没找到...
running windows 10 for about week now and the other day had an issue where I couldn't get onto my mac at all, so I ran disk warrior which has allowed me back onto OS X but the when booting into the windows partition a message came up with the 'no bootable device found' message. ...
If none of the above solutions can help you fix the No Bootable Device Acer error, you can try toperform a system restoreorclean installation of Windowsto fix it. How vexing to encounter the No Bootable Device error on my Acer computer. I found this post and fixed this problem after tryi...
Step 2.Connect the bootable media to your computer and boot your computer from the device. Step 3.Wait for the installation files to load. Step 4.In the Windows Setup window, choose "Next". Step 5.Click "Repair your computer" in the Setup window and choose "Troubleshoot" > "Advanced ...
Black screen saying boot device not found. Tried reordering boot order so that it went to USB first, same result. Tried flash drive on another PC and it reads fine. My non working PC was reading through USB fine before it stopped working as well, so I don't think ...
Here's a video tutorial that I found showing precisely the issue and the same Boot Menu settings on my laptop that I used in the video to boot Windows. Again, a total failure. I keep getting the Boot Menu. Quick replyReply1 HeleSonWhat's DOS?