'cc-icon-'+name, { //icon-loading这个class名, 只有在icon的name属性里面有load字段的时候加上, 这个属性名里面的属性就是旋转.'~'位运算符是很高效的书写方式, 也就是对位求反,1变0,0变1,也就是求二进制的反码, 这里不懂的话, 先看犀牛书, 简单的说就是把-1转成0了, 变成了布尔中的false; '...
// 黑色的遮罩层 // icon与内容显示区 // icon组件 <ccIcon :name='iconName' :color='iconColor' /> // 显示的提示文字 {{title}} </template> js props: { title: { type: String, default: "加载中 . . ." }, iconName: { // 加载图标的样子肯定是用户自定义的 type: String, de...
import{ ElLoading } from'element-plus'; letloading =null; letloadingName ='default'; letloadingStatus =false; const hideLoading = (name ='default') => { // 为了防止loading的一闪而过 if(name === loadingName) { loadingStatus =false; loadingName =''; setTimeout(() => { loading.close...
I'm having problems downloading or updating from microsoft store, reset it all etc , reset wifi all ok .Updated windows (eventually) still nothing. Trying to...
Hello, So I'm trying to get windows 11 through the Insider program but it says I don't meet the requirements even though I'm pretty sure I do any help is...
security features are set when shipped. designed to defend against firmware attacks, secured-core pcs check system software before loading, only starting executables signed by known authorities. identity and domain credentials are completely isolated. even malware running in the os with admin privileges...
first boot services first boot services first boot services automate provisioning tasks in manufacturing so your systems arrive ready to work. minimize desk-side technician time during deployments. creating and loading an image includes unattended processes that must be completed before a technician or ...
loadingConfig: { logoUrl: 'https://xxx.png' } } leftConfig 说明 参数 说明 类型 默认值 user 业务方自定义菜单配置 array — User 配置 用户可以配置三种自定义的素材列表,分别是无限滚动列表、无限级分类展示+无限滚动列表、按照分类展示+无限滚动列表。 无限滚动列表配置 user: [ type: 'showAll', //...
Everything has been loading into levels [up to now] but it's a real streaming of a town and play area that's massive, so the technical challenges have been pretty huge. At times it's been like: 'How are we going to make this work?' But we did. We still have ways to make them...
icon:'loading', content:'加载中...', opacity: .2, time:2}) } }, ] }) } 支持标签式和函数式混合搭配调用,还支持如上图动态加载外部组件。 ◆ 参数配置 svelte-layer默认支持如下参数自定义配置。 let index= 0//用于控制倒计时临时索引let lockNum = 0//用于控制锁定屏幕临时索引 //是否打开弹窗...