Pediatric patients with essential hypertension were identified using ICD-10 codes. The ATC classification was used to identify major classes of antihypertensives. During analysis , special emphasis was placed on the 6–17 years age category, as many ARBs were recommended in children above 6 years ...
(ICD-9 codes 428.XX) and a primary inpatient hospital discharge diagnosis related to heart disease (ICD-9 codes 410.XX, 412.XX, 413.XX, and 414.XX); (3) at least 3 secondary inpatient hospital discharge diagnosis codes related to HF; (4) at least 2 outpatient visit diagnoses of HF,...
populations based on six different ICD diagnoses; glaucoma information was obtained from participants in the Reykjavik Eye Study and from Icelandic ophthalmologists as described previously60(ICD10 H40.1, 4004 cases and 237,214 controls), primary open-angle glaucoma (ICD10 code H40.1, 1261 cases and...
Clinical-Coder: Assigning Interpretable ICD-10 Codes to Chinese Clinical Notes 国际疾病分类(ICD)作为世卫组织成员国在卫生统计中共同采用的对疾病进行编码的标准分类方法,是目前国际上通用的疾病分类方法。目前广泛使用的国际疾病分类第十次修订版(简称 ICD-10)的编码数量达到了72,184个,是以前版本(ICD-9)...
Clinical-Coder: Assigning Interpretable ICD-10 Codes to Chinese Clinical Notes 国际疾病分类(ICD)作为世卫组织成员国在卫生统计中共同采用的对疾病进行编码的标准分类方法,是目前国际上通用的疾病分类方法。目前广泛使用的国际疾病分类第十次修订版(简称 ICD-10)的编码数量达到了72,184个,是以前版本(ICD-9)的五...
Search, build, or consult ICD-10-CM/PCS codes in an app designed to make your job easier. Accelerate medical coding with ICD Wrangler. You can quickly browse and search the ICD-10-CM/PCS indices and check all of the selected code annotations. If yo... Italian English Audio Bible | Fre...
A list of 94 pre-specified health outcomes that could be associated with COVID-19 or seasonal influenza were defined on the basis of the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10) diagnosis codes, laboratory values, and prescription records.1,4,7–11Outcomes were also composi...
使用中国慢性病前瞻性队列研究(China Kadoorie Biobank,CKB)的基线(2004-2008年)和随访信息(ICD 10编码事件,截至2017年12月31日),分性别进行婚姻状况(有配偶 vs. 无配偶)的全表型组关联研究(phenome-wide association,PheWAS)分析。我们估计了调整后的风险比(adjusted hazard ratios,aHR),以评估婚姻...
International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems (ICD-10) in occupational health The document contain general guidelines for the use of ICD-10 codes for the notification of occupational diseases.It provides a list of medical diagnoses a... A Karjalainen - 《Computer En...
drgcodes 也是与诊断相关的表,使用DiagnosisRelatedGroup(DRG)code编码 与diagnose表中的主要诊断相对应。d_icd_procedures procedures_icd 患者住院期间的手术信息,包括在ICU期间的信息。d_labitems 实验室检查定义表 labevents 病人实验室检查的记录 prescriptions 处方数据,药物数据 pharmacy 药房数据表,以pharmacy_id...