Play hundreds of high-quality games on Windows PC with PC Game Pass. Includes iconic Bethesda games, new day one titles and the EA Play on PC catalogue.
Our monthly guide to the best free games on PC: F2P multiplayer, classics, adventures, puzzlers, and more.
不会,但有时会有仅限Ultimate会员领取的DLC之类的奖励,比如现在你可以领到P3R的通行证DLC(包含后日谈资料片、额外音乐等) 来自iPhone客户端4楼2024-06-28 22:22 回复 Eva小小大梦想 极限车手 9 不会,就pgp就可以了 来自Android客户端5楼2024-06-28 23:37 回复 ...
Our monthly guide to the best free games on PC: F2P multiplayer, classics, adventures, puzzlers, and more.
不过,我突然想起这个月召开的E3展上,微软似乎推出了一个自家的游戏租赁会员服务——Xbox Game Pass Ultimate,我本人是一个索饭并且更喜欢日式游戏,因此这个世代对于xbox系的产品都不是很关心,家里有两台PS4一台switch但是xbox主机还停留在上一代xbox360上。不过这个服务最吸引我的是,其不仅提供xbox平台游戏,同时还...
微软今年早些时候首次推出了Xbox Game Pass Ultimate订阅版,可以访问Xbox Live Gold和Xbox Game Pass游戏。不过微软并没有忽视PC平台,而是利用这一订阅体系全面开始攻占PC游戏领域,:每月只需一个14.99美元的订阅就可以获得同时工作在Xbox和PC的Xbox Live Gold和Xbox Game Pass。 如果您同时玩PC和Xbox游戏,购买通行证是...
If you have any prepaid time on Xbox Game Pass when you join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, we'll apply it to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, up to a maximum of 36 months. For more info, visit: Xbox Game Pass Play on a compatible PC. Check detail pages for individual games to confirm...
Xbox Game Pass Standard gets you a huge library of games on Xbox consoles, as well as premium multiplayer. However, it doesn't come with day one games premium Xbox exclusive titles. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate gets you all of the above, as well as day-one premium games like Call of Duty...
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, which allows you to download and play games on PC and Xbox or use the cloud option, is going from $17 a month to $20 a month on September 12. These are the US prices, you can see a detailed price breakdown for every supported country inthis...