game time etc.To record the game time of Steam or other games, you have to click on the launch screen once you're done, which shows a dialog with the recorded time (which you can even edit) and the question if this session should be recorded. Steam game time is also downloaded direct...
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在会上,加比将自己形容成“新时代的罗宾·汉”,他表示,由于中间商和发行商的存在盘剥,游戏开发者之前从每份游戏获得的回报只有7美元,但是 Steam 将把此提高30美元! 同年,Valve 以威望迪游戏(Vivendi Universal Games)非法在全球范围内的网吧里售卖《反恐精英》的许可而将这家法国公司告上了法庭,威望迪也不甘落后...
(一个)PS3端FTP服务器(本人用BlackB0x FTP Server v1.2示范) (挺好使的。。。^_!!!)开始:1.先用网线把PC与PS3连接,之后到PS3主机设定系统资讯内可以看到IP 如:限局域网路)如果等一会还不显示主机IP,退出重进,或者重启PS3就行了 注:Q:为何使用网线?A:因为PS3局域网数据...
Archero 4.8.2 12 ✅ Requires GMS and Play Games to load your cloud progress Arknights 18.9.81 13 ✅ Stable FPS throughout the game using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, AMD GPU untested. Arknights (明日方舟; Simplified Chinese) 1.6.01 11 ✅ Arknights (CN Server) 1.9.21 12 ✅ Asphal...
The application will remain up to date, and you will have an FTP server for transferring the files. The pace requires for transferring the files from the phone to the computer will be up to 2 MBPS. There will not be any interruption while transferring the files. ...
同年,Valve 以威望迪游戏(Vivendi Universal Games)非法在全球范围内的网吧里售卖《反恐精英》的许可而将这家法国公司告上了法庭,威望迪也不甘落后进行了反诉,称 Steam 会损害到自己发行 Valve 游戏的权益。 事实上,两家公司已经使得《半衰期2》——这个成本4000万美元的游戏经历了长达5年的开发周期及2000多个会议...
(⼀个)PC端FTP软件(本⼈⽤flashfxp 及FileZilla⽰范)(⼀个)PS3端FTP服务器(本⼈⽤BlackB0x FTP Server v1.2⽰范) (挺好使的。。。^_)开始:1.先⽤⽹线把PC与PS3连接,之后到PS3主机设定系统资讯内可以看到IP 如:限局域⽹路)如果等⼀会还不显⽰主机IP,退出...
PSV_GAMES.tsvPSV_THEMES.tsvPSV_UPDATES.tsvPSX_GAMES.tsv 更新日志 NPS 浏览器 - macOSv1.4.6 最新版已修复RAP 下载中的 404.html 文件现已修复。(#64) PKGJ v0.57 - PSV新增内容: 为PSM 游戏添加了 BGDL - 您需要将 NoPsmDrm 更新到 v1.5 才能使用此功能如果未安装 PSM Runtime 并尝试下载 PSM ...
Archero 4.8.2 12 ✅ Requires GMS and Play Games to load your cloud progress Arknights 18.9.81 13 ✅ Stable FPS throughout the game using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, AMD GPU untested. Arknights (明日方舟; Simplified Chinese) 1.6.01 11 ✅ Arknights (CN Server) 1.9.21 12 ✅ Asphal...