System Shock was originally pitched as Sonic the Hedgehog in space ByRick LanepublishedJune 2, 2023 Though Warren Spector doesn't remember it. News Nightdive on the System Shock remake: 'Even though we're changing and we're updating it, it's still part of the System Shock pedigree' ...
I've worked on, basically, sequels to immersive sims. I worked on Bioshock 2 and Infinite, but I didn't work on the original Bioshock, and obviously that's kind of a continuation of System Shock 2. So I'm interested to know, when you are building a game that is based on this b...
不用过多介绍。只是《文明7》能成为第一名令我感到有些意外。不过想想这是PC Gamer,而欧美PC佬对泛...
我想其他人也会因为 Larian 因素而被它吸引。不要告诉 PC Gamer 新闻猎犬 Andy Chalk,但我什至从未玩过 Baldur's Gate 或 Baldur's Gate 2。好吧,在过去的 25 年里我肯定推出过这两款游戏一两次。总的来说,我只是没有深入了解它们,或者了解它们。不过,直到最近我才对 D&D 一无所知,所以也许我 巫火...
这里是国外著名游戏杂志《PC Gamer》评选出“历史上最重要的50个游戏”,时间跨度从1962年到2015年。这里提到的游戏,有一半以上你应该没见过(作者也没见过),但了解一下也是好的。按照时间可以大致分三个部分,92年以前的游戏,大部分人都没玩过;92~99年的,老玩家玩过;2000年以后的,大家应该都玩过。
Phil:作为PC Gamer的耻辱2阵营的代表,Prey很棒。它拥有游戏中唯一真正优秀的制作系统之一,并且自始至终都非常聪明。每个人都应该玩它,这里没有争论。我只是希望,对于一款像猎物一样具有战斗力的游戏,敌人的设计更好。模仿起初是个有趣的小把戏,但在我在 Talos I 的时间结束时,我很高兴看到他们的背影。54...
System Shock 2 (Image credit: Irrational Games) Release date: 1999 | Developer: Looking Glass Studios | Steam, GOG A horror/FPS/RPG hybrid set aboard a stricken starship that would go on to inspire the much more well-known yet not nearly as clever BioShock series. System Shock 2 is perh...
[k1]PC Gamer 2023年各项大奖(PC Gamer's Game of the Year Awards 2023)[/k1]对于PC游戏来说,2023年是重要的一年 —— 时而令人惊喜,时而令人失望。这份榜单是由PC ... PC Gamer 2023年各项大奖公布,年度游戏《博德之门3》 ,其乐 Keylol
But this small but beautifully constructed art game from Jason Rohrer - who went on to make Sleep Is Death, picking up a 90% score in PC Gamer in the process - is surprisingly moving for a thing of its size. The game asks what you want out of life, and then shows you how the ...
PC GAMER又评..规则大致如下:参与者每人自己选15个,然后团队集中讨论得出总榜。除了一些例外,每个系列仅选取一个游戏。 )100.