我们通过Gamepad Tester这个手柄测试网站,可以粗略看出摇杆调教得怎么样。优秀摇杆至少是360度滑动自如,没有十字方向吸附的。 死区的意思是无效区。以往的手柄,大多默认自带中心死区,在摇杆中心很小一个区域内,摇杆略微晃动是不会引起游戏反应的,这样的好处是,避免摇杆回中不正时自动触发摇杆键值。 现在越来越多手柄都...
Video games testing paid work jobs by gametesterx 2023 Video games testing paid work jobs with gametesterx 2023: Game Tester is a platform where developers interact with the community and ask the important questions to find the hard truths that make or break their games. Do you think this ...
The best PC game controllers are ideal for playing a wide variety of games from shooters to platformers to RPGs.
Navigation and ease of use really is the name of the game, here. It even has a little nubbin that you rub to move the mouse in any respective direction and click to press LMB. Oh, plus the ability to slow or speed up your cursor movement with left- and right-trigger modifiers. It'...
10宽带接入互联网。可以使用windows 10自带的应用商店。其中,有个叫game controller tester的软件,作者...
While most game-boosting tools on the market only support a limited service, a select few paid tools have more exceptional features like ping tester, FPS counter, Gamecaster, Live performance status, etc. We'll talk about the best game booster later. Game booster is important for any kind of...
Round-trip audio latency tester My Twitter input lag latency optimization performance gaming overclock oc windows ping debloat milliseconds fps boost increase decrease guide mouse tweak tweaks bios uefi pc overclocking 7 8.1 8 10 11 w7 w8 w8.1 w10 w11 linux game gamer optimizations frametime frameti...
These might be a bit more optimal for trying to figure out issues outside of the game that might be affecting it. V-Sync and limiting FPS: If you are experiencing screen tearing and some stuttering, enabling V-Sync or limiting your FPS to the refresh rate might be helpful. This should ...
For that, applications such as Mouse Tester come in handy. We used this software to see if we could spot any glaring issues with the mice we used. In every gaming mouse we tested, though, angle snapping and acceleration were disabled in the mouse drivers by default (though a mouse can ...
With support for features like ray-tracing, deep learning super sampling, and a wide range of other graphical settings, the game is a stress-tester’s paradise. The recommended specs are a GTX 1060 or higher with at least 12 GB RAM though as is usually the case with PC gaming, more is...