PC Crashes while gaming (3700x) Hi, my PC has been randomly crashing for a while, but it has begun to get especially annoying this past week. Started playing War Thunder, and it will crash not hourly, but minutes after I fire up the game. ...
PC crashes while playing Overwatch with "blue screen of death" and "graphic hardware not found" problem(17.12.2)!!! I have Radeon r7 260. Faced this problem playing overwatch since 2 last patches. And now it's 17.12.2 and it's still crashing. I've seen ...
Hi everyone, it has been over 6 months now that I've got some problem while playing with my computer. My screen turns black, keyboard and pc fans still on, but no images. I have been trying to check all the different components of my computer but nothing seems to be a problem. Af...
If you are wondering how it crashes, it just crashes and freezes and then when I press any key, it will just get out of the game with it closing and I don't know why the hell this is happening! If you didn't use any mods that replace files (could cause issues with game and ...
When loading the game, you should try to shut down every application running in the background. If you still can't enter the game, we recommend restarting the computer and trying again. Also, do you feel like your computer is overheating? Feel free to come back if your problem still occu...
When loading the game, you should try to shut down every application running in the background. If you still can't enter the game, we recommend restarting the computer and trying again. Also, do you feel like your computer is overheating? Feel free to come back if your problem still occu...
For a few months by PC has been crashing at seemingly random points while playing games. Sometimes it will happen almost as soon as I open the game, sometimes I can play for 10 or 20 or 30 minutes before it happens. I don't edit images or process…
Which mode has this happened in?Seasons (Head to Head) How often does the bug occur?Often (50% - 99%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?While playing What happens when the bug occurs?The connection always lost and the game slow ...
Hey, this been happening alot lately, and it only happens while playing apex. The game crashes and it crashes my whole pc with it so i have to restart my pc... - 5650067
Hi, the game keeps crashing itself and restarting my pc. Checked the temperatures everything is fine. It is not overheating! Got the last driver - Nvidia rtx 3070 Ti. CPU i9 intel 13900k. Can’t play the game.