此外,索尼在最新关于《对马岛之魂》PC配置需求的文章中还表示本作将是首款在PC上使用新PlayStation覆盖层的PlayStation游戏,其中包括好友列表、奖杯、设置和个人资料。该功能可在PC上使用,并可通过游戏内菜单访问,键鼠玩家也可通过“SHIFT + F1”快捷键访问。在游戏过程中,玩家可以像在PlayStation主机上一样获得...
《对马岛之鬼:导演剪辑版》是首款在PC上使用全新PlayStation覆盖功能的 PlayStation游戏,其中包含您的好友列表、奖杯、设置和个人资料。此功能适用于 Windows PC,可通过游戏内菜单或对于键盘玩家,按键盘上的“SHIFT + F1快捷键进行访问。 在游玩PC版《对马岛之鬼》时,玩家可以像在PS主机上一样获得PlayStation奖...
此功能适用于 Windows PC,可通过游戏内菜单或对于键盘玩家,按键盘上的“SHIFT + F1快捷键进行访问。在游玩PC版《对马岛之鬼》时,玩家可以像在PS主机上一样获得PlayStation奖杯。《对马岛之鬼:导演剪辑版》PC版与PS5版共享一样的奖杯组。这意味着如果玩家之前在PS5上使用过同一PlayStation Network账号游玩过《对...
Codemasters’ Formula 1 racing games hit a bit of a bump in the transition to a new console generation, meaning that here on PC we saw F1 2014 towards the end of the racing season, as ever, but F1 2015 [official site] is arriving a lot earlier this year. Today, in fact. It’s ...
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F1 included numerous vehicles Ordinarily the full rundown of 2020 vehicles and gatherings is accessible with quite a few updates. Most vehicles appeared in standard models in this observe structure while their last shapes are done. In any case, the Renault RS20 was wearing the thin nose which ...
A premium release has since made way for a free-to-play model funded by cosmetics inspired by an increasing number of crossovers, from F1 to Jurassic Park. As well as pixel-perfect gameplay that makes Psyonix's offering one of the best racing games out there, a massive skill ceiling and ...
F1进入文件管理器,进入以下路径 /userdata/system/switch/configgen/generators/在文件夹下可以看到citron yuzu sudachi 如下图 打开yuzu,找到yuzuMainlineGenerator.py并打开,然后ctrl+F4查找“Shortcuts\Main%20Window\Fullscreen\KeySeq”然后把热键“Z”修改为F11(系统默认)或者你习惯的热键。如下图 然后保存 其它2...
F1 Mobile Racing 5.1.11 13 - 7 ❌ No 3D rendering with any of the GPUs selected. Just shows a purple screen in game. Fancade 1.7.6 11 ❌ App crashes Fate/Grand Order (US) FGO 2.34.0 12, 11 🆖 Require Google Play Services, skippable if you have Google Play Service (APK) ...