From the very favorable price (currently it can be bought for 135 Euros) to the design (I still don't forgive the HDD and PSU inscription on the side of the cabinet) to the possibility of cooling or hiding the water cooling radiator. The Asus GT 502 is a great box that really has...
And everytime I just feel that these corporations that I get are corporations and need to make money, don't consider us as the consumers of their products at all and treat us like absolute shit yet we still support them and buy their $3000 GPUs and underwhelming $600 or $700 CPUs....
alol 10 usd is nothing 20 euros c'est rien areter vos chemise made in china vous les acheter peut etre 10 euros pcs alors arreter de suite je ne suis pas novice lol 10 usd是它是没什么areter您的衬衣在覆盖做买他们对您可以是然后停止继续的10欧元GCV我不是初学者的没什么20欧元[translate]...
A clear picture of AmigaOS XL running on my Laptop At a recommended retail price of 150 Euros, AmigaOS XL does not come cheap. It, however, offers a great value considering the features and performance it provides. Amithlon and AmigaXL greatly supplement each other to offer one very powerf...
4.Turkey custom new rule since August, 2024: The same consignee can only import (including) 5 packages per month, each package not exceed 30euros, can not exceed 30kg, can not over 5pieces, and other requirements shall remain unchanged. It is very important. Turkey custom clearance will hol...
1.2EUROS ? NO BRAINER! Mine all mine! Only when I got back to my car with a bag full of goodies I saw that the fan was missing a blade. Today I spent three and half hours to restore the Hercules graphic card. All the time I worked over the blue wonder, one phrase kept popping...
À la mort de son père en 2015, il hérite de plus de 1 million d'euros, et devient millionnaire à 26 ans.他曾就读于阿尔萨斯学院(École Alsacienne),并在那里与歌手乔伊斯-乔纳森(Joyce Jonathan)有过交往。他与同学胡安-布兰科(Juan Branco)结下了不解之缘。Il ajoute, à titre d'...
security cannot be achieved, and vice versa. These two facets cannot be separated.Capital News:In recent years, both the U.S. and Europe have thrown out quite a few ambitious "grand strategies." There's the EU's "Global Gateway" plan, aiming to raise a whopping 300 billion euros, then...
and Coexistence Series" and "Life and Hope", which are exhibited at Parke Gallery in D1 District, the exhibition hall of the Carussel International Contemporary Art Fair in the Louvre Museum, Sophia Xinman Wang's prints are 350 euros per work, and the price of each work is 3000 euros ...
这家德国汽车巨头已经运营了许多区块链试点项目,从让戴姆勒卡车所有者使用e-euros支付燃油费用,到发行称为Schuldschein的为期一年的100欧元德国债务工具。它还使用区块链技术追踪其子公司梅赛德斯-奔驰跟踪供应链中的合同。区块链:Hyperledger,Corda,Ethereum 主要负责高管:Jonas von Malottki,开源优先负责人 戴比尔斯(...