1761 6 1:21:20 App 《往日不再》PC版 全流程剧情解说 一周目二级困难难度 2153 7 29:22:59 App 往日不再 最高难度 全任务100%通关 合集 【完结】 55.4万 1282 7:51 App 劝退大作?5分钟告诉你《往日不再》到底好不好玩 7.5万 103 4:08 App 往日不再 当把伐木场尸潮引到营地会发生什么。期待...
Comprar Days Gone PC ✔️ CD Key ✔️ Download instantâneo ✔️ Preço fantástico ✔️ Download digital ✔️
Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Step into the dirt flecked shoes of former outlaw biker Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter trying to find a reason to live in a land surrounded by death. Scavenge throu...
PC版『Days Gone』をプレイする際の必要スペックと、問題が発生した際の解決手順についてご説明します。
當你開始在PC踏上《Days Gone》旅程,立即就能進入「生存模式」、「挑戰模式」和「機車外觀」——完成主劇情後,就能進入「新遊戲+」。 生存模式 試試「一級生存」和「二級生存」的難度模式來對付更強悍的敵人,在這些模式下不會有敵人警覺度和快速移動,並為了讓遊玩更具臨場感,螢幕上也沒有顯示HUD介面。不過玩家...
Days Gone is an open-world, third-person survival action game. The game tells the tale of biker buds Deacon and Boozer two years after an apocalypse wipes out a majority of the population. The story told here is heartfelt and encompasses many different aspects of the world and the character...
A Steam Listing is now online for the just announced PC edition of Days Gone. They outline what to expect from this version of the action/adventure, as well as some PC-specific features: "PC features include ultra-wide monitor support, unlocked framerate
《days gone.. 据悉,国外网友通过美国请愿网站发布《days gone》PC版,但支持者仅2人,另外还有一批PC玩家通过Twitter表示非常喜欢《days gone》,但表示不会买PS4,除非登陆PC。
支持电脑版《Days Gone》 了解电脑版《Days Gone》的最低要求和遇到问题时需要采取的故障排除步骤。 电脑配置最低要求 下载问题 挂起和故障排除 电脑版《往日不再》特色 电脑版《Days Gone》有何最低要求? 64 位处理器及 Windows 10 操作系统或同等系统。