从 Windows 10 以后,它的搜索功能非常强大,你可以通过它来快速找到并打开“控制面板”。只需在任务栏左侧的搜索框中输入“控制面板”或“control panel”,然后从搜索结果中选择“控制面板”即可。这种方法简单快捷,适用于大多数 Windows 10、11 用户。方法二:通过“开始”菜单 另一种打开“控制面板”的方法是使...
操作系统:Windows 10 方法/步骤 1 Win10系统禁用/启用控制面板和PC设置的方法Win10系统禁用控制面板和PC设置方法一:在本地组策略编辑器中启用【禁止访问控制面板和PC设置】。步骤:在系统桌面左下角右键点击【开始】(或按下键盘上的Win+R键),调出系统的【运行】对话框;2 在运行对话框中输入:gpedit.msc 命令...
微软即将隐藏Windows 10上的控制面板 控制面板(Control Panel)是 Windows 用户已经想到熟悉的一个地方,然而随着 Windows 10 普及度的日渐提升,微软也终于下定了要将该页面彻底剔除的决心。从 Windows 2.0 开始,微软就一直通过经典的控制面板来汇集一些高级系统设置选项。然而从 Modern 画风的 Windows 8 开始,微软就特...
However, most likely, the good oldControl Panelwill be consolidated inside the modern PCSettingsapp, and there will probably be some tweaks, as well. What do you think about this? Control Panel issues in Windows 10 If you are one of the users who opened the Control Panel from the Win+X...
2、注册表编辑器窗口中,依次展开到:计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\,然后在窗口右侧空白处点击右键,在打开的菜单项中,选择新建 - DWORD(32位)值,并将此值命名为:NoControlPanel; 3、双击打开编辑这个名为NoControlPanel的DWORD(32位)值,将数值数据设置为1,然...
PCControlPanel1.0.0.0英文绿色版| 查看大图 瑞星通过 卡巴通过 NOD通过 360通过 小红伞通过 无插件 软件大小:8KB下载次数:54 软件授权:国产软件 / 免费软件软件语言:简体中文 开发商:-软件等级:3 更新时间:2011-10-26 16:47:23软件MD5:点击复制 应用平台:WinXP, WinAll...
Control CPU fan speed via the Control Panel Use BIOS/UEFI to control the CPU fan speed Control CPU Fan speed using SpeedFan. Method 1. Control CPU Fan Speed on Windows 10 via Control Panel This method is only applicable for Windows 10 users. ...
In this article, we will go through several optimizing tips for Windows 10 to enhance your experience when working with DAWs such as Pro Tools.
I have also upgraded two other Win 7 pc's today to Windows 10 and both of those are also (not showing) the local shared computer icon in their Network window. All the Win 10 pc's like the Win 7 / 8 pcs are all on the same workgroup and time and date the same. ...