conspiracy 共谋,篡谋conspiracy to commit a crime 篡谋犯罪constable 警察constitutional right 宪法权利contempt of court 蔑视法庭continuance/continuation (of the case) 诉讼延期,展延contract 契约,合同contract law 合同法,契约法contradict 反驳contradict oneself 自相矛盾contradiction 矛盾convict noun 罪犯convict ...
在这个体系中,首先必须被提到的,是关于“阴谋罪”(conspiracy)的规定。 美国法典第18编371条(18 U.S. Code §371)很简短,规定不准阴谋侵犯、欺骗美国政府(conspire either to commit any offense against the United States,or to defraud the United States)。(美国国会,1948) (《美国法典》:不准阴谋反对美...
When augmented government super-agent JC Denton becomes tangled up in a conspiracy that threatens the future of the world, he takes it on himself to bring down the people responsible. Deus Ex gives you the freedom to play the missions that follow as a series of stealth sandboxes, or an RP...
Specific intent,翻译为“特定意图;特定故意” The intent to accomplish the precise criminal act that one is later charged with. At common law the specific-intent crimes were robbery assault larceny burglary forgery, false pretenses, embezzlement,attempt,solicitation and conspiracy. 在普通法中,特定...
What are the secrets behind the political conspiracy kept hidden from her? Will she even find love despite the grim circumstances? Although the game had a very interesting premise, the writing and execution heavily suffers due to it originally being a mobile game. The prologue is extremely short...
Set in the Land of the Dead, Grim Fandango sees struggling salesman Manny Calavera getting twisted up in a shady conspiracy. Think Glengarry Glen Ross meets Casablanca, but with Tim Schafer's trademark sense of humour. It’s not a traditional detective game like some of the other games here...
crime against the person of a Head of State of one of the Contracting Parties, or a member of the Head of State's family);(b)缔约双方根据多边国际协定均有义务引渡被通缉者或将案件提交各自主管当局决定是否起诉的罪行;(c)共谋或企图犯下任何上述罪行(a conspiracy or attempt to commit any...
同年7月6日,爱泼斯坦在新泽西泰特伯勒机场因涉嫌与未成年人进行性交易及共谋与未成年人实施性交易被捕(“charged with sex trafficking of minors and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of minors”[1]),不得保释。几天后,Acosta辞去劳工部长职务。8月10日,爱泼斯坦在狱中死亡,官方尸检认定系自杀,但其...
You know you’re onto a loser when even anti-gaming activist Jack Thompson rolls his eyes and calls it a contrived conspiracy. However, as it would continue to do with Dragon Age 2 and 3, BioWare pushed back rather than folding under the pressure, greatly h...
under this Agreement for the deferral period, they will move to dismiss the Indictment against her, as well as underlying charging instruments against her, with prejudice and will not bring any criminal charges against her in connection with conspiracy to commit bank fraud,conspiracy to commit ...