We provide part selection, pricing, and compatibility guidance for do-it-yourself computer builders.Start Your Build Build Guides Building your own PC and need ideas on where to get started? Explore our build guides which cover systems for a variety of use-cases and budgets. View Build Guides...
The first step to building a PC is preparation. This preparation itself takes time, but if you’re well-prepared you should run into less problems while building, which will shorten your build time. Depending on how experienced you are, this step can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few...
Building a PC is like fixing up an old car; the struggle associated with it creates a personal relationship between you and the machine. Make no mistake, building a PC is a fun and rewarding experience, but laying on the floor with a flickering flashlight wondering if you've damaged a hun...
Finally, we’d like to talk about Logical Increments. It’s not as straightforward as PCPartPicker, but it shares the same philosophy. It’s a great website for building a new computer, and like PCPartPicker, it shows the pricing among other things. You can’t go wrong withLogicalIncrem...
Building computers – especially for beginners – can get overwhelming and fast. Thankfully, if you are uncertain about how to do a particular step, there are a lot of resources. Of course, you can reference your manuals, go to the website for the part in question, search forums, etc. ...
However, the only issue with sites like PCPartPicker is that while they show you compatible parts, they don't illustrate issues that might arise down the line. So, your best bet to avoid building a new system with a bottleneck is to punch your potential components into one of the aforemen...
PC Builder makes building a PC easy. But how? It’s the most accurate compatibility filter, large PC Part database and immersive UI that allows you to pick different PC Parts. Features - Compatibility Filter: We’ve had in-house meetups with Expert PC builders in the US and have tried ...
He already owns an NVIDIA RTX 2060, which he would like to keep. We have been thinking of this build:https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/GDLmkJ We just wanted to get a second opinion, as our PC building skills are a bit rusty.
Building computers – especially for beginners – can get overwhelming and fast. Thankfully, if you are uncertain about how to do a particular step, there are a lot of resources. Of course, you can reference your manuals, go to the website for the part in question, search forums, etc. ...
To currently (as of 2019) be in the top 2000 most visited websites in the world as a software tool for a kinda-niche subject like PC building is just one example of how successful their site has become, and I'm happy they're very likely making an absolute killing in affiliate ...