關於《PC Building Simulator 2》 最新更新 在此v1.11 更新中,我们包含了一组来自 Intel 和 AMD 的下一代 CPU,以及一系列来自华擎的下一代主板、新机箱、GPU、外设等等!我们还在游戏中实现了对曲面显示器的支持,这是社区长期以来一直要求的。享受! 在Career Mode 中展開 PC 事業,學習組裝和維修 PC。 升級工作...
What is PC Building Simulator 2? Grow your empire as you learn to repair, build and customize PCs at the next level. Experience deeper simulation, an upgraded career mode, and powerful new customisation features. Use realistic parts from 40+ hardware brands to bring your ultimate PC to life....
PC Building Simulator Libre-service Gagnez du temps grâce à nos outils. S'ils ne vous aident pas, consultez la base de connaissance ci-dessous. Adresse e-mail oubliée Mot de passe oublié Récupérer votre compte Activer l'authentification à deux facteurs ...
这款名为《装机模拟器(PC Building Simulator)》的游戏由McINTYRE打造,它可以模拟一台现实中的PC,里面的各种部件都能够进行拆卸安装,如同现实中组装PC一样。《装机模拟器》演示: 播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY0MjA3ODc0MA==.html游戏的开始会给你一台空壳机箱,然后打开菜单...
装机模拟器安卓版手游(PC Building Simulator)是一款少见的以电脑组装为主题的steam移植游戏,一经推出便受到广大电子产品爱好者们的欢迎,简单的操作、多样的配件,给你最真实的手机模拟器游戏体验,强烈推荐哦! 装机模拟器手机版简介 开一家电脑修理店并不断发展壮大,学习如何诊断、修理和装配电脑。通过真实授权部件、真...
游戏名称:装机模拟器2 英文名称:PC Building Simulator 2 游戏类型:模拟经营类(SIM)游戏 游戏制作:...
Add sequenced RGB lighting, spray paint and stickers to create the ultimate custom rig. Customize your workshop with new walls, floors, posters and furniture, and make your PC building space your own. Go deeper into your builds with realistic hardware and software simulation. Optimise cooling wit...
PC Building Simulator 2 is the sequel to the 2018 cult hit build ‘em up and is available now exclusively on the Epic Games Store.
For mobile users, "Pc Building Simulator" is available on both Android and iOS. You can get it by downloading the APK, and installation is a breeze without consuming too much storage. The mobile version offers a smooth touch control experience, emulating the desktop version. It ensures a stab...